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DOWNLOAD Pandeiro Guide - Maracatu, Carimbo, Samba Reggae - KALANGO
Artikelnummer: | A674107 |
Dauer: | 39:43 min |
Dateigröße: | 543 MB |
Bildbreite: | 1920px |
Bildhöhe: | 1080px |
Video Format: | MP4 |
Download - Dateiformat: | ZIP |
Video-Codec: | H264 |
Audio-Codec: | uncompressed |
Einzelbildrate: | 25 fps/s |
Kanäle: | 2 (Stereo) |
Abtastrate: | 44 kHz |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2018 |
Produzent: | HP Percussion |
verfügbar als: | Download |
Inhalte: | Diverse Styles, Maracatú, Samba Reggae / Afro Samba |
für Instrumente: | Pandeiro |
Pandeiro guide: Maracatu, Carimbo, Samba Reggae
Course language: English
The Northeast: Hardly a region in the world is as rich in rhythms and musical variety. If you ever come to this part of Brazil, you won't know where to start. This course has picked some very popular but also a few less known categories from the Northeast so you can be looking forward to dipping into a pool of musical abundance. Samba Reggae is a highly popular style and nowadays played all over the world. It developed in the 1970s, when the afro blocos mixed Samba from Bahia with influences of Jamaican Reggae. Further up north is the center of the Maracatus, but all along the northeastern coast and also inland you will find African and Carribbean influences that have formed the enormous beauty of the music in the whole region of north eastern Brazil. An enriching musical journey, transferred for the pandeiro.
The course contains:
- Basic Maracatu, Gongue
- Nação Porto Rico
- Nação Elefante
- Martelo
- Maracatu
- Funk
- Alfaia Virador
- Carimbó
- Carimbó Marapanim
- Movement in 3, Jingle Sound
- Samba Reggae
- Press Stroke with palm
- Merengue Olodum
- Rumba Olodum
- Afro Samba Ilê Aiyê
Playing time: 39min 43sec
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Informationen zur Produktsicherheit
Name: | KALANGO |
Marke: | KALANGO |
Postanschrift: | Krottenbach 2, 84367 Tann, Deutschland |
Elektronische Adresse: | |