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A short trip to Ivson's instrument manufactory in Rio leaves us with itchy feet. The brand IVSOM is internationally known, German TV shows where the instruments come from and who actually invents and builds them!


"The secret how to build a good instrument is, that you need to know how to play it yourself". This is what Ivson says into the TV camera. We know it is true, the instrument maker and professional mechanic has been playing the caixa for many years and amongst others is one of the main distributors for the Samba school of Mocidade Indepentente de Padre Miguel.

Find more information and background about IVSOM instruments, their origin and inventor:

Photo: Matti Malandro Berlin - many thanks!

The short film is in German, but you'll get the vibes:


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Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm
Caixa de Guerra 12''x17 cm - aluminium - with 6 strings! Smart classical sized IVSOM caixa. Traditional Rio Samba instrument for playing  either 'em cima' (up) or down. Yellow galvanised hardware - stylish caixa with rich, dry, authentic Rio sound!As usual with all IVSOM instruments, the tension rods are screwed down perfectly flush with the fittings in the tension hoop. It only sticks out very little over the tension bracket on the side of the nuts. All important details such as a smoothed out rims for ideal skin fitting, string accomodation, tension rings, threads etc. are neatly manufactured in the usual good quality IVSOM manner.Amongst others, IVSOM provides the sambaschool Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro with his instruments. Being a mechanic and a caixa player, he disposes of ideal abilities for building good quality Samba instruments.

Caixa vazada 12''x17cm

Average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars

Caixa vazada 12''x17cm
Caixa Vazada 12'' x 17 cm - the caixa with no shellA real eyecatcherIn Rio, the latest version of this instrument is the newest blowoff and ist literally shaking up the sambaschools: The Son Duplo caixa with no shell! A flat-iron frame creates the illusion of a closed corpus. The caixa has the same size as the instruments made from aluminium. The sensational sound however differs significantly. Tremendously direct and loud, without the restriction of the surrounding shell.A real experience for all caixa players- especially for those who play em cima: because the sound can escape directly, it also reaches you directly meaning that even if you play in a strong bateria you will be able to easily hear yourself!The caixa vazada sounds extra-dry, with extremely little sustain and looks just great!Rimshots could sound a bit stronger.As usual with all IVSOM instruments, the tension rods are screwed down flush with the fittings in the ring. All important details such as a smoothed out rims for ideal head fitting, string accommodation, tension hoops, threads etc. are neatly manufactured in the usual high quality that IVSOM makes his instruments. Amongst others, IVSOM provides the Samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro with his instruments. Being a mechanic and a caixa player, he disposes of ideal abilities for building high quality Samba instruments.

Chocalho mocidade

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Chocalho mocidade
Chocalho / Rocar Mocidade with hand-painted wooden handle - 20 pairs of zinc sheet jingles (55 individual platelets)The allstar-favourite amongst the chocalhos, hand-painted in the Mocidade Style, with classical galvanised jingles that sound so authentic that you will think you are in the middle of a bateria rehearsal in Rio. The instrument comes with anatomical shaped handles for perfect grip, clean processing and a good portion of style. Its weight is well balanced so if you want you can pull off a whole load of tricks for your audience. A real chocalho pro knows the craziest tosses, flips and direction changes in the middle of the groove. We can just bow our heads marvelling about such creativity, and recommend the instrument!Zinc sheet jingles - extraordinary sound but dirty fingers due to abrasion!

Repinique 12''x27cm aluminium

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Repinique 12''x27cm aluminium
Repinique 12'' x 27 cm - yellow hardware, IvsomStylish and in typical IVSOM manner yellow galvanised hardware.Beautiful instrument with a light but present sound.The solid aluminium shell as well as all technical details are in well-established IVSOM quality. The tension rods are screwed down flush with the fittings in the ring. Smoothed out rims for ideal skin fitting, tension hoops, threads etc. are neatly manufactured.Amongst others, IVSOM provides the sambaschool Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro with his instruments. Being a mechanic and a sambista himself, he has ideal knowledge and abilities for building high quality Samba instruments.
