It doesn't happen too often that we have samba cracks from Brazil over in Europe and get to learn from them. Lucas Eduardo and Hebert Bruno are two young musicians who specialise in repiniques and repique mor, they playing is so on fire, generous to share their knowledge and play absolutely insane! They are touring in Europe mid-June to early August to give workshops. There are still a few dates available, if you are interested, just contact drop them an email!
Repinique 12'' x 30 cm - galvanised steel sheet, IvsomSteel sheet instruments are the classical old school type of Samba instruments. They are not particularly pretty but have an amazing sound. The material is simple - galvanised steel sheet with no extras, plain and compressed sound power for Rio sambistas and also Samba Reggae players. 6 rods are the standard for Rio Samba, if you play with the rods up, you 'll have enough space for your hand inbetween.The typical sound of steel sheet instruments is somewhat rough, voluminous, powerful and makes crispy calls and tinkling rimshots a real pleasure. Steel sheet weighs more than aluminium or inox but makes up for it with incredible sound. Steel sheet drums won't win a beauty contest - although having nice Ivsom details - the surface will loose its gloss with the time and will turn matt. Steel sheet is also cheaper than aluminium, you'll get every penny worth with this repinique.A classic!
Signature wood repinique Gabriel Policarpo 12''x30 cm with flattened rim - Contemporanea PRO
Special design with lowered rim section (ideal for stick-hand technique) and black superior head by Contemporanea - THE model for repinique freaks - the wood Signature piece has some absolutely brilliant design details that will blow your mind. Yes, we know, it's beautiful.
Something different: This repinique is made of wood - a rather untypical material for this instruments section. Wood is generally liked for its warm sound characteristics. In order for the shell to withstand the tension, it has extra reinforcement rings in the inside and weighs 2.85 kg, which is about 200 grams more than a standard aluminium model. Beautiful, matt lacquered finish with signature print completes the design.
The Lamborghini Miura among the repinique models you could say. Classic dimensions meet high-quality materials and best workmanship. Functionalities are embedded in the design and thus enable the highest level of playing comfort with exceptional sound qualities. High-end Contemporanea PRO features ensure voluminous and saturated sound characteristics. 6 tension rods allow for authentic Rio-style tuning and leave enough space for your hand when using the hand-stick technique.
Special feature:The rim is lowered on one side between two rods, so your playing hand is on the same level as the playing head. No more annoying rim, less injury potential and finally a cleaner sound, because now you can concentrate on your technique, your sound and your solos without any obstacles.
Special design:Black, thick nylon superior head, Gabriel Policarpo signature print on the shell.
Gabriel Policarpo is a top-class reference in the Samba scene of Rio and is internationally known for his combo with Bernardo Aguiar, with whom he founded the Pandeiro Repique Duo (PRD) and inspired not only sambistas worldwide. Gabriel Policarpo also gives workshops internationally and appears in collaborations with celebrities from the Brazilian music scene such as Yamandú Costa, Chico César, Hamilton de Holanda, Marcos Suzano and even with Guns N' Roses and many others.
Stringed repinique vazada with no shell - 2 in 1 Hybrid Repinique with Caixa strings - 12'' x 27 cm - IVSOMDirect and loud sound - the repicaixa is an absolute eye-catcher, stylish and in signature IVSOM look with vazada shell and yellow hardware.If you play on the side without strings, it sounds like a normal repinique with a casual caixa sound, but the steel frame shell makes it much louder and more direct. Flip the hybrid repinique over to make it sound like an amplified caixa. The longer shell increases the volume of the resonance body, so you have a larger sound volume and a lot more punch in the sound! Well-made components and materials, and the usual technical details of IVSOM instruments: the rods are screwed flush into the brackets of the rim. The inner head rim, the tension rims, smooth-running threads, etc. are easy to handle.IVSOM is, among others, a supplier to the Samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro. As a mechanic and active sambista, he has the ideal skills and knowledge to build great Samba instruments.
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