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Red is the colour of the Banda Feminina Didá, a female-only bloco afro for women in Salvador, founded in 1993 by Mestre Neguinho do Samba (1945-2009). The band is the center of a strong social network which has been facilitating education for women and children for many years. Besides Samba Reggae, the organisation also teaches dance, singing, artisanal work and various other skills. Gope has dedicated this line to Didá and we are happy to be able to have it in our range for you.
#SELFIE is Gope's second new line, timbals painted with shiny metallic effect colour on the shell and the hardware. Top looks and sound that win over every timbaleiros heart.


All timbals these new Gope lines have 16 tension hooks can be pitched up really high! The hooks spread the pression equally on the shell of the drum, like this your shell will not suffer any damage, even with the highest tuning. Nice, deep bass sound and crispy slaps are a nice to have with aluminium instruments, the whole sound has the typical sharp note. Aluminium instruments are pretty easy to maintain, weather doesn't harm them much and they are robust. The seam of the body is welded. Welded shells produce a higher and more audible part of shell sound due to more constant vibration, Gope welds all its instruments. The hardware and the comfort rim match the primary colour of the shell. Keep in mind - more hardware means more weight!

Didá Banda Feminina:

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Timbal 14''x90cm yellow
Aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 16 hooks, sunshine yellow, Gope#Selfie - effect colours from Gope! Stylish powder coating with a lot of bling for your stage and street gigs! Gope uses thinner steel sheet which saves some weight and makes the instrument perfect for parades and outdoor gigs where you wear the timbal on a strap. Naturally it will weigh a bit more than a timba with less hardware but full sound and a smart look totally make up for that!Timbaleiro trend from Salvador da Bahia: timbals with 16 tension hooks can be pitched up really high! The hooks spread the pression equally on the shell of the drum, like this your shell will not suffer any damage, even with the highest tuning. Nice, deep bass sound and crispy slaps are a nice to have with aluminium instruments, the whole sound has the typical sharp note. Aluminium instruments are pretty easy to maintain, weather doesn't harm them much and they are robust. The seam of the body is welded. Welded shells produce a higher and more audible part of shell sound due to more constant vibration. The hardware matches the color of the shell, as is the comfort rim. Keep in mind - more hardware means more weight!


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Timbal Selfie 14''x90cm blue
Aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 16 hooks, Selfie Blue, Gope#Selfie - effect colours from Gope!Stylish powder coating with a lot of bling for your stage and street gigs!Gope uses thinner steel sheet which saves some weight and makes the instrument perfect for parades and outdoor gigs where you wear the timbal on a strap. Naturally it will weigh a bit more than a timba with less hardware but full sound and a smart look totally make up for that!Timbaleiro trend from Salvador da Bahia: timbals with 16 tension hooks can be pitched up really high! The hooks spread the pression equally on the shell of the drum, like this your shell will not suffer any damage, even with the highest tuning. Nice, deep bass sound and crispy slaps are a nice to have with aluminium instruments, the whole sound has the typical sharp note. Aluminium instruments are pretty easy to maintain, weather doesn't harm them much and they are robust. The seam of the body is welded. Welded shells produce a higher and more audible part of shell sound due to more constant vibration. The hardware matches the shell color, so does the comfort rim. Keep in mind - more hardware means more weight!


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Timbal Didá 14''x90cm red
Aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 16 hooks, model DIDÁ - GopeRed is the colour of the Banda Feminina Didá, a female-only bloco afro for women in Salvador, founded in 1993. The band is surrounded by a strong social network which has been facilitating education for women and children for many years. Besides Samba Reggae, the organisation also teaches dance, singing, artisanal work and various other skills. Gope has dedicated this line to Didá and we are happy to be able to have it in our range for you.Timbaleiro trend from Salvador da Bahia: timbals with 16 tension hooks can be pitched up really high! The hooks spread the pression equally on the shell of the drum, like this your shell will not suffer any damage, even with the highest tuning. Nice, deep bass sound and crispy slaps are a nice to have with aluminium instruments, the whole sound has the typical sharp note. Aluminium instruments are pretty easy to maintain, weather doesn't harm them much and they are robust. The seam of the body is welded. Welded shells produce a higher and more audible part of shell sound due to more constant vibration, Gope welds all its instruments. The hardware and the comfort rim match the red colour of the shell.Keep in mind - more hardware means more weight! Let the carnival begin!
