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New product line by Artcelsior

In the past we have offered Artcelsior caixas and repeniques in 2 different product lines:  one version with aluminium shell and chromed tension rods and rims, and as alternative all in zinced steel. Two options with very different sound characteristics ( steel shells produce a significant dry sound!) and therefore an important part of our assortement. Since instruments with a steel shell are are much heavier we offer surdos only with an aluminium body and chromed steel hardware.

Chrome plating has become so expensive in the past few years that instruments with chrome plated hardware have more or less disappeared from the brazilian market. In order to be able to offer Artcelsior instruments for reasonable prices in the future, we have decided to follow this trend and from now on can supply not only caixa and repinique with zinced hardware, but also all sizes of surdos.

The alloying of the rims and rods has absolutely no effect on the sound or stability of an instrument. On the contrary : the zinc plating fuses with the steel whereas a chrome plating can chip off in the course of time or intensive usage. And furthermore, the extreme ecological damage created by chrome plating should be a good reason to not make a decision for shiny chrome plated rims!

At the moment we are still  offering both versions of hardware and you can make your own choice!