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Samba Festival Nijmegen 2023

Nijmegen Samba Festival 2023

2.-3. September 2023
For the 19th time, the Samba community in Nijmegen invites you to its Samba Festival with a fabulous programme and international guests - a workshop weekend to party & play samba with groups and well-known mestres from Europe. Meet old friends and make new ones, samba non-stop & good vibes!

Workshop weekend with Chris Quade Couto, Meiko Meissner, Thomas Sukiennik & Willem de Gooyert

From Samba Reggae for beginners to Samba Funk for all levels, Samba surprise workshop and Rio Style Samba for advanced, there is a workshop for everyone. In a familiar and friendly atmosphere, the small samba scene in Nijmegen has managed for many years to successfully book great mestres and inspire guests from all over Europe with an unforgettable Brazilian musical weekend.

Part 1:

Rio Samba with Willem de Gooyert for beginners and intermediate levels
Agogó, Caixa, Chocalho, Cuica, Repinique, Surdo, Tamborim. Something for everybody. Are you still (relatively) new to Rio Samba? This is the perfect course to get an overview and to work on or improve the basics.

Rio Style Samba with Chris Quade Couto for advanced players or group leaders
A wide range of musical topics will be covered in this course. From individual playing technique to complex arrangements, coordination between swing and the individual instrument sections to the structure of a Samba and classical flow and arrangements as found in the Samba schools.

Ritmos del Candeal with Thomas Sukiennik for beginners and intermediate players
Caixa, Dobra, Ganzá, Repinique, Surdo (1a, 2a), Timba. Candeal is a district in Salvador that has produced a particularly unique and exciting drumming culture. Not without reason do many of Salvador's best percussionists today come from this area. Of course, this is closely linked to Carlinhos Brown and Timbalada. This workshop will report on this development and present corresponding pieces by the groups, which are clearly different from other Afro-Blocos.

Surprise Workshop with Meiko Meissner for intermediate and advanced players
We'll say no more. If you dare to join this workshop, you're in for a real treat!

Part 2

Paradinhas (Rio Samba) all levels with full pro Chris Quade Couto
Authentic stuff from Rio, lots of smoking hot material, your drums will be on fire!

Cavaquinho with Willem Gooyert, intermediate and beginner
Get your harmonia going and pimp your bateria by 3000%!

Repinique (Samba Reggae) with Thomas Sukiennik, intermediate and advanced:
Play your repinique with two whips like in Salvador. Technique, exercises and solos that will take your playing to a new level and make your bateria soar!

Improve your Groove with Meiko Meissner, all levels:
Swing is an essential part of Brazilian music. In this workshop you will really dig deep to hear, understand, recognise and naturally play the details of the rhythms. An important workshop for all those who want to get to a new level, who want to continue their musical development or who simply want to learn more than just a few new pieces in their repertoire. Suitable especially for music school teachers, band and group leaders, percussionists and all sambistas who are serious about learning good Samba but also want to have fun and play well.

In Part 3 and Part 4 you will find many more super cool workshops for Caixa enthusiasts, Pandeiristas, Timbaleiros, Repiqueiros, Samba Funketeers, Maculelê interested and Freestylers. Something for all tastes, all levels and instrument sections. An amazing weekend filled with extraordinary courses - don't miss it, book your place now!

We would like to thank the festival organisers for their kind cooperation with Kalango!
➪ Win a Pandeiro! A pandeiro will be raffled off among the festival participants! Don't forget to pick up your raffle ticket at the check-in!

Find all information and details about the festival programme and registration here:

