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Sergio Krakowski's series of pandeiro online lessons
Top class courses for pandeiro players, percussionists and drummers

We are happy to announce the launching of Sergio Krakowski's series of pandeiro online lessons in our shop. 4 units packed with valuable information suitable for basic instrument knowledge to very experienced pandeiro players!
You will receive your own study account on Sergio's onlinepandeiro portal and access to stream your course directly and online.

Master your pandeiro playing and bring your skills to the top

Sergio developed his own pandeiro technique and a particular method to teach it. Although inspired by the work of Marcos Suzano and Jorginho do Pandeiro, Sergio Krakowski's technique focusses on allowing the pandeiro players to have more freedom and create their own grooves. Based on creating balance, Sergio Krakowski's method consists in keeping the left hand turning back and forth to generate a physical binary flow. After this is accomplished, the right hand will be responsible to choosing between three sounds: pa, tung and chee. The very foundation of the technique depends on the ability to generate these three sounds with the two parts of the right hand.
All this is explained in detail in UNIT I of Sergio Krakowski's Online Pandeiro Course. Everything in his method is taught in a very practical way. In UNIT I the student will learn the basic Samba and Baião grooves which will allow the understanding of the left hand movement and the options of the right hand.

is perfect to put in practice everything that is explained in the first unit. Five lessons will teach you how to play Ijexá, Maxixe, Xote, Maracatú, Frevo and Arrasta Pé using a very efficient technique that will allow you to play fast.

the student will have access to one of the most valuable aspects of Brazilian Music, the Brazilian Swing you find in Samba and several other grooves. This UNIT focusses primarily on the Samba rhythm and does an in-depth analysis on how to access your swing in a way it will sound authentic. Although based on the pandeiro, all subjects addressed here are of interest for drummers and percussionists in general and go beyond the pandeiro.

closes the online pandeiro course giving you the most important of Sergio Krakowski's achievements: the possibility to improvise freely on the pandeiro. In this unit he will show you how he developed his own skills and how you can be able to express the largest amount of ideas with expressiveness and fluidity while keeping a structure and form.

Suitable courses for beginners and very experienced players

Everything that has been summarized in Sergio Krakowski's online pandeiro courses is the result of more than 25 years of career as a pandeiro player and has been taught in several educational institutions and venues such as The Amsterdam Conservatory, The Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao, The Big-Bang Percussion Festival, The New School in NYC, The Kennesaw University and The University of Minnesota.

Sergio has played with great Jazz artists such as Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Lionel Loueke, Anat Cohen, Cyro Baptista among many others besides sharing the stage with big stars of the MPB such as Maria Bethânia, Lenine, Chico Cesar, Beth Carvalho, Yamandu Costa, Hamilton de Holanda and Pedro Martins.

Tira Poeira, Sergio's debut project, is considered one of the most avant-guard Choro bands. Back in the end of 1990's they were already using odd meters and applying polyrhythmic techniques to the most traditional of all Brazilian genres. Maria Bethânia defined them as "Pure Rock".

During this period, Sergio was an active musician in the renaissance of Lapa, the neighborhood that used to be Rio de Janeiro's cultural epicenter in the beginning of XX century. He was one of the first musicians to play steadily at Semente Bar, the house that led that cultural blossom. Besides that he played for more than 10 years twice a week at the Democraticos Club, the most famous ballroom that was a centerpiece where that cultural movement took place.

Besides his musical career, Sergio plunged into the application of his knowledge acquired in a Computer Music PhD to allow percussion instruments to trigger videos, control effects and interact with the machine, creating real time dialogues between percussionist and computer. Aiming to deepen this research, Sergio moved to NYC and started his new project, The Chunk, which had as special guests great artists such as Kevin Hays (piano), Anat Cohen (clarinet) and David Gilmore (guitar).
