The perfect sound unfortunately does not come ready to go out of the box. Especially heads are profoundly a matter of taste - thick, thin, coated, roughened, double- or single-layered, usually every percussionist has his own little bag of tricks which he uses to optimise sound. Nice to know that there is a bunch of small and easy helpers that we sambistas can rely on. Bye-bye sticky DIY duck tape solutions - the Slapklatz gel pads are removable, reusable, easy to clean and stick to most drum head surfaces.
Soundcontrol for your drums
What is Slapklatz?
Haven't you sometimes wished there was a simple and affordable way to muffle your drums and get a better sound? The little damper gel pads are exactly this: designed for drum heads, easy to apply and take off, minimise overtones, self-adhesive, shorten unwanted sustain and thicken the characteristics of vibration of your drum head. Idel for surdo or caixa / snare and all instruments with synthetic heads.
Sound Control for your drums: Muffle your surdo, reduce overtones on your caixa and adjust the sound on any drum with synthetic heads.
What is Slapklatz? Have you not sometimes wished to know a quick, easy and cheap method to muffle your drums and get a better sound? The handy little damper gel pads are a great solution! Never again you need to fiddle around with cleenex on your drum heads and sticky gaffa tape. The little pads are especially designed for drum heads, easy to put on and take off, they minimise overtones, are autoadhesive shorten unwanted sustain and thicken the vibration behaviour of your drum head. Ideal for surdo and caixa or snare, but basiscally for and head with a synthetic head.
How to use:
Take the pads you want to use from the box and sit them on the edge of the batter head. If you want to use several pads, put on on the opposite side of eachother on the edge of the head.
Larger gel pads muffle stronger. Several little pads have a more even effect than one large on. Use on any instrument with synthetic heads, e.g. surdo, caixa / snare, repinique, pandeiro with nylon head, timbal, repique de mão. Try it out - if it sounds right, it is right!
Care instructions:
Rinse with some soap unter the tap.
Rain will not affect the Slapklatz whilst you should avoid leaving the gel pads in direct sun or in hot places (sun-heated car, heating) which will cause damage.
This is how it works: