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DOWNLOAD Blocos Afro - Ebook

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DOWNLOAD Blocos Afro - Ebook
Blocos Afro - an Ebook for Afro Samba & Samba Reggae aficionados - DownloadEbook language: EnglishA book loaded with information about history, origins of Afro-Brazilian music styles, blocos, sound sambles including sound samples and written music.The music of the Blocos Afro has become so popular over the past decades, their rhythms inspire not only Samba groups and but also influence professional musicians and bands around the world. Little literature is available, and certainly no transcriptions, as the rhythms are usually passed on orally within the bands.Matthias Haffner and Michael de Miranda have managed to extract the essence of the Blocos Afro and put this information together in a book. In this download version, you will get pdf files with the content of the book, the music and the photos of the author’s travels to Salvador da Bahia in Brazil. The Ebook includes soundfiles for rhythms of each Bloco Afro, listed by instrument. If you are looking to educate yourself about the backgrounds of the north-east Brazilian afro-blocos, this Ebook is a great way to get a broad overview. Being experienced professional musicians in mainly Latin music genres, the authors have captured many almost invisible connections between the many Caribbean styles, amongst others, and the Brazilian influences.Content:Introduction with chapters about African and Caribbean influences, Bloco de índio, Axé music, Candomblé ritual drumming and political backgrounds.Afoxé: Afoxés & Ijexá, traditional, Filhos de GandhyIlê Aiyê: Afro Samba 1+2, Candomblé, Samba Reggae, breaks, and extrasOlodum: Samba Reggae, Merengue / Swingue, Rumba, Breaks and Repinique featureMalê Debalê: Light / Samba Reggae, Candomblé, BreaksAra Ketú:Afro Samba 1,2+3, AxéMuzenza: Afro Samba, Samba Reggae / Mambo Muzenza, BreaksÓkánbí: Merengue / Ijexá, BreaksTimbalada: Tamanquinho, Merengue1+2, Reggae, Breaks, timbal extrasDidá Banda Feminina: Samba Reggae / Afro Samba 1+2, BreaksCortejo Afro: Afro Samba, Samba Reggae, 6/8, BreakBankoma: Mambo, 6/8, Samba Reggae, Ijexá, BreakAfro Samba Glossary

Escola Moderna do Cavaquinho

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Escola Moderna do Cavaquinho
Modern manual for cavaquinhoThe author Henrique Cazés is the acknowledged master of the cavaquinho. This manual shows various samples for solo playing as well as accompaniment.Text only in Portuguese!

As Bossas do Mestre Maurão

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As Bossas do Mestre Maurão
As Bossas do Mestre Maurão - selected Bossas (Paradinhas) for Samba Schools- a must for every BateriaPlay like the samba schools in Rio! Who doesn't dream of playing authentic breaks and sounding as if you are just entering the Pasarela. This collection of Samba beats is the first music book to focus on the transcription of the bossas (or paradinhas) - bateria breaks tuned to the current enredo. Bossas is a Portuguese word for the breaks that the baterias of the Samba schools play during the carnival in the Sambodrom in Rio de Janeiro.Book with 148 pages7 bossas1 Esquenta (67 bars)Each bossa is performed with a complete score for all instruments and the individual scores for each instrument. At the beginning of each part there is an indication of which part of the text contains the bossas, and in each bossa there is the name of the samba for which it was written.For 10 years Mestre Maurão Mestre de Bateria (First Musical Director of the Bateria) was in the following samba schools: Unidos do Viradouro, Academicos da Rocinha and Cubango. From 2011 to 2018, Mestre Maurão did not lose a single point for eight years for the schools in which he was Mestre de Bateria (which means that he received at least three highest grades, nota 10, from the four judges). And in 6 of these years he received the highest score of all judges. A great achievement due to his teaching methods and his ability to make each section of the instrument sound harmonious. Maurão also plays an important role in the creation and development of a new break style. They are larger and more complex, with the participation of all sections.YT Videos:Viradouro 2018: 2018 II: 2018 III: 2017: 2016: 2016 II: 2015: Rocinha:

Mestre Dudu: As Paradinhas da nao existe mais quente

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Mestre Dudu: As Paradinhas da nao existe mais quente
As Paradinhas da Não Existe Mais Quente with Mestre Dudu - selected Bossas (Paradinhas) for Samba schools - a must for every BateriaSambistas will love this book!Play just like the Samba schools in Rio! Who doesn't dream of playing authentic breaks and sounding like you're just entering the pasarela. This collection of paradinhas is Gabriel Lopes' second music book that focuses on the transcription of the 'bossas' (or 'paradinhas') - the bateria breaks that go with the Samba de Enredo, this time focusing on the Samba school GRES Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel. Bossas is a Portuguese word for the breaks that the baterias of the Samba schools play at the carnival at the Sambodrom in Rio de Janeiro. You can watch and listen to all bossas from the book in the videos above.Content:7 Bossas1 Esquentascores for bateriascores for seperate instrument sectionsBook Level: advancedBook language: Portuguese + EnglishEach bossa is available with complete scores for all instruments and individual scores for each instrument section. At the beginning of each part you'll find a note in which part of the text of the Samba de Enredo the bossa appears, and in each bossa you'll find the name of the Samba it was written for.Mestre Dudu:Mestre Dudu has been the musical director of one of the most famous baterias of the carnival in Rio since 2012 (still at the time of the book release in 2020). Carlos Eduardo Arcanjo de Oliveira, known simply as Mestre Dudu, has dedicated more than half of his life to the Samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel. Since he started at Mocidade as Mestre de Bateria, he has focused on his work to preserve traditional characteristics of the bateria. With this concept he managed to receive the highest score for his bateria, which was last achieved in 2002 under the guidance of his own father Mestre Coé. It was only under the direction of Mestre Dudu that Mocidade's bateria once again managed to win the much sought-after special prize ''Estandarte de Ouro'', awarded by the newspaper O Globo.You may have met Mestre Dudu on our site before, he recorded most of our product videos for Ivsom instruments for us!Gabriel Lopes / Author:Gabriel Lopes is not less known in the Samba scene of Rio! He is a musician since 2001 and since then he has been working as a musician and percussion teacher for the band Monobloco amongst others. With Monobloco he recorded 4 albums and 2 DVDs, went on international tours and participates as an active musician in the infamous street parades with 10.000s of people. He is also the founder of Bloco Volta Alice, whose bateria is a good 100 wo*men strong. Through Volta Alice and Monobloco he actively participated in the renaissance of street carnival in Rio de Janeiro in the early 2000s.

Fundamentals of a Samba School Bateria

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Fundamentals of a Samba School Bateria
Fundamentals of a Samba School Bateria - a must-have book for Samba fans & ritmistaslanguage: EnglishSamba school baterias, initially small with around 20 members in the late 1920s, have now grown to include 200-300 percussionists. These percussion orchestras, celebrated for their powerful sound and swing, have become iconic symbols of Brazilian culture.This book aims to comprehensively examine the rhythmic aspects of Samba and the role of a samba school's bateria. It provides an educational guide for readers to understand how the unique bateria sound is created. By the end, you will fully understand how a bateria arrangement is created and will be able to work on your own bateria arrangements. All scores of the book are accompanied by their respective audios.The first part delves into a brief history of Samba's origin, the emergence of Samba schools, and their baterias. It also explores the instrument distribution within a bateria and the impact of the Samba-enredo format on band arrangements.The second part covers the fundamental rhythmic patterns of Samba and details the commonly used instruments in Samba schools, showcasing their basic grooves and roles within the bateria.In the third part, the focus shifts to the four elements employed by baterias in composing arrangements. Each instrument's function within these elements is explained, along with their occurrence in the Samba-enredo. The section concludes with a practical application of the concepts in a basic arrangement for the Samba-enredo "É Hoje."In the last part, Gabriel gives a brief description of each of the most traditional Samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the characteristics and history of their baterias.

Música nova para Cavaquinho

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Música nova para Cavaquinho
Música nova para cavaquinhoHenry CazesThe 'New Music for Cavaquinho' collection was created with the aim of developing and expanding the resources of the cavaquinho as a solo instrument. All pieces were composed especially for the cavaquinho and, as part of the concept, try to get more sound scapes, harmony and expressiveness out of the instrument. The book contains 12 studies for cavaquinho as solo instrument, one suite as study and exercise, one piece for cavaquinho and 7-string guitar, 9 Choros and 3 Waltzes.Henrique Cazes is a reference for Choro and Samba. His books are read and studied in different parts of the world and used as teaching material. Despite its belittling name 'cavaquinho', Henrique has managed to highlight the true greatness of this instrument.Language: PortuguesePages: 108

Pandeiro Workshop João Araújo

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Pandeiro Workshop João Araújo
Pandeiro Workshop - ein Lehrbuch für Pandeiro von João AraújoLanguage: German, PortuguesePandeiro Workshop ist eine Einführung in die faszinierende Welt des beliebtesten Musikinstrumentes Brasiliens: dem Pandeiro. Es werden verschiedene Übungen und Musikrhythmen vorgestellt, wie zum Beispiel: Samba, Choro, Baião, usv. Es ist ein praktisches Handbuch verschiedener Spieltechniken für das Pandeiro, bietet dem Leser aber auch eine kleine Reise durch die Geschichte des Pandeiros und beinhaltet ein wortreiches Glossar mit den wichtigsten Begriffen der brasilianischen Musikkultur.

Songbook Choro meets Ragtime

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Songbook Choro meets Ragtime
Ten popular ragtime songs (five by Scott Joplin, its main representative), performed by a traditional Choro ensemble, played with traditional rhythms, swing and  harmonies. For the solos, typical Choro instruments were played: flute, bandolim, clarinet and saxophone.Listen to the complete tracks (with soloist) on the CD for reference, tune your instrument (flute, alto sax, soprano sax, clarinet or mandolin) using the tuning track and start playing with the playback tracks. Now you have your very own "Regional de Choro" always at your disposal and whereever you are. Happy practising and have fun!1. Dill Pickles - Charles L. JohnsonIzaias do Bandolim ( bandolim)2. Dusty Rag - May AufderheideTatiana Mazurek (flute)3. Hungarian Rag - Julius LenzbergNailor Proveta (clarinet)4. Nightingale Rag - Joseph LambDaniel Dalarossa (flute)5. Ophelia - James ScottHarvey Wainapel (clarinet)6. Ragtime Dance - Scott JoplinNailor Proveta (alto saxophone)7. Searchlight Rag - Scott JoplinIzaias do Bandolim ( bandolim)8. Spaghetti Rag - Lyons & JoscoDaniel Dalarossa (flute)9. The Entertainer - Scott JoplinHarvey Wainapel (clarinet)10. Pine Apple Rag - Scott JoplinMário Sève (soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone)Content:Repertoire: 10 songsIncludes: 1 CD with 10 tracks with soloist, 1 tuning track and 12 playback tracksScores:    C C | B♭ B-flat | E♭ E-flatDifficulty level:    ★★ intermediateDimensions: 31 x 23 cmPages: 82

Afro-Brazilian Percussion Guide 2  Carnaval

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Afro-Brazilian Percussion Guide 2 Carnaval
Afro-Brazilian Percussion Guide, Book 2: Carnavalby Kirk BrundageLanguage: englishSalvador da Bahia, Brazil is an important cradle of Afro-Brazilian culture, and home to musical styles that form the bedrock of much of today's popular sounds. In this book, author Kirk Brundage takes a look at the exciting rhythms of modern Carnaval, providing a history, background information on the groups, and practical information on playing the rhythms.''Afro-Brazilian Percussion Guide contains a huge amount of information and would be of great value to high school and university instructors interested in starting Brazilian Percussion ensembles.''-Modern Drummer72 pages
