Hide head 20''- wood rim, Barravento - ideal for bumbos de Maracatu / alfaia skinBarravento tans his skins in a special way that allows the hide heads to be slightly roughened at the end. This gives these skins a high degree of authenticity in terms of sound characteristics, especially with Maracatu. Deep, strong bass sounds and a rustic look are typical for Barravento skins.Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.
Head 14'' goat skin - aluminium rimHide head for surdo, alfaia, rebolo, tantanInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 16'' hide head on aluminium rimInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 18'' goat skin - aluminium rimInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 22'' goatskin - aluminium rimInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
24'' hide head on aluminium ringImportant information for fitting natural goatskin heads:Natural skins tend to twist when unmounted since the manufacturers moisten them before pulling them onto a wooden or aluminium rim. When drying off, the ring naturally deshapes a little. When leaving the high humidity in Brazil and arriving to our dry European climate with low humidity and room heating, the skin twists even more. This is a normal irregularity of natural products and no damage! You can easily fit the head on your drum by moistening (not soaking!) the inner part - not the ring - carefully with a regular kitchen sponge or cloth. Pull it over the drum shell and let it dry slowly overnight by air. Don´t force it by using a heater or hairdryer or exposing it to the sun, this will only make the head brittle and prone to tear. Like this, you will be able to enjoy your goat skin head for a long time!Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 18'' hide head (natural skin) - aluminium rimInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 22'' goat skin - aluminium rim - IVSOMInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 20'' goat skin - aluminium rim - IZZOInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 20'' goat skin - aluminium rim - IVSOMInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 24'' goat skin - aluminium rim - IVSOMInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Leather head 20'' goat skin with aluminium rim for surdo, alfaia
Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.
Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.
Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Leather head 22'' goat skin with aluminium rim for surdo, alfaia
Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.
Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.
Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Hide head 18'' - goat skin with aluminium rim for surdo and alfaia - GOPE
Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.
Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.
Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Hide head 16'' - goat skin with aluminium rim for surdo and alfaia - GOPE
Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear.
Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us.
Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Custom samba drumhead foil with your band logo – vibrant colors & authentic sound!Give your bateria a unique look with a custom-printed drumhead foil - simply place it on a standard nylon drumhead. The polyester foil is non-adhesive and is positioned over the drumhead and under the tension rim of your playing head. We print your design with sharp, vibrant colors on durable, high-quality foil. The look: just like Carnival in Brazil!Top Features for the Perfect Groove:Non-abrasive Colors: The colour is sublimated directly into the foil surface – no fading or abrasion.Clear Sound: The foil rests on the drumhead without significantly affecting the sound.Durable Material: 0.125 mm thin, flexible, and easy to handle.Edge-to-Edge Printing: Photo-realistic designs right up to the drumhead edge.How It Works:Create Your Design: Check the datasheet and create your graphic.Technical data sheet (PDF)Select Size: Choose the correct size and quantity and add them to your cart.Upload Your File: Upload the print file directly at checkout.Assembly: Remove the tension rim, trim the foil to size, and make a small pinprick (not in the center, but a few centimeters from the edge) to prevent air pockets between the layers. Place the foil over the drumhead, put the tension ring back on, and tighten. Any excess can be trimmed with scissors after assembly – see the video tutorial.Which Drums Are the Foils Suitable For?Perfect for Surdos: Create a double layer with your normal nylon head for a warm, full sound - especially popular in Samba Reggae.Perfect for natural skins: ideal for Carnival or show gigs when you want a clean, uniform look.Partially suitable: For coated heads like Supernylon or Dupont Nomex, as the sound becomes quite dry and muted.Less suitable: For Korino (nappa) or double-layer heads, as the extra layer heavily dampens the sound.Available Sizes: 16'' - 24''Full-surface printing available up to 20'', sizes 22'' and 24'' have limited print areas – see datasheet.Important: Custom foils are made to order and cannot be returned or exchanged. Production starts after payment is received.Get started now and give your bateria the perfect look - Samba vibes like a Brazilian bloco!
Variants from €21.48*
Alfaia heads are traditionally made of strong goat skin, which is ideal for producing the typical Maracatu- 'thunder'.
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FAQ Youtube:
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Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
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