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Repinique / Caixa stick Hornbeam cylindrical

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Repinique / Caixa stick Hornbeam cylindrical
Repinique stick HO - Hornbeam, cylindricalYou like it harder?This hard-wood cylindrical stick kicks off tight repinique calls and comes in handy for Rio style caixa players!Both ends are smothened out nicely. Hornbeam (laminated wood) is made of  0,7 mm strong beech veneer which is glued under pressure until its density is considerably increased. Therefore hornbeam sticks are slightly heavier than hickory sticks. They also have an extremely concise and brilliant sound. Good weightage a tight soundscape - but slightly less long-lasting than hickory sticks. A Samba stick with enjoyable handling, conical shaped and extraordinary sound-producing quality!

Repinique / Caixa stick ø14.5 Hickory cylindrical

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Repinique / Caixa stick ø14.5 Hickory cylindrical
Repinique stick / caixa stick MA14.5 - Hickory, cylindrical, wide diameterHandy cylindrical short stick for tight calls on the repinique or for Rio style caixa 'emcima' players.Comfortable 14,5 mm diameter. One end is rounded down smoothely - your head will appreciate!American Hickory is the preferred and very durable wood for drumstick production.

Caixa sticks MA American Hickory

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Caixa sticks MA American Hickory
Caixa Sticks MA - American HickoryGet the best beat out of your caixa! American Hickory has been the preferred wood for drum stick production for many years. The MA hickory caixa sticks are 37 cm long and have a diameter of 15 mm. The round tips are especially suitable for the steady playing techniques of Samba percussion. The surface of the tip hitting the head is always the same - no matter in which angle the tip touches the head. Like this also the sound stays nice and steady. Round tips are also a popular stick type for beginners as in the beginning you are focussing on a lot of things at the same time and don't need to worry too much about the playing position. Also, the playing technique with those sticks is quite easy.

Repinique stick Hornbeam conical

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

Repinique stick Hornbeam conical
Repinique stick HO - hornbeam, conicalYou like it harder?The ultimative repinique stick, handy and conical shaped hard-wood kicks in for tight repinique calls, ideal also for Rio style caixa players!Both ends are smothened out nicely. Hornbeam (laminated wood) is made of  0,7 mm strong beech veneer which is glued under pressure until its density is considerably increased. Therefore hornbeam sticks are slightly heavier than hickory sticks. They also have an extremely concise and brilliant sound. Good weightage a tight soundscape - but slightly less long-lasting than hickory sticks. A Samba stick with enjoyable handling, conical shaped and extraordinary sound-producing quality!

Repinique stick Hickory conical

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Repinique stick Hickory conical
Repinique stick MO - American Hickory, conicalThe ultimate repinique stick made of American Hickory! The diameter is comfortable and the conical shape lies well in the hand. Both ends are rounded off to protect your head. The perfect stick for repinique players and Rio style caixa players!American Hickory is the most common type of wood for the production of percussion sticks. It is stable, durable and not too heavy.

Repinique / Caixa stick ø13.8 Hickory cylindrical

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Repinique / Caixa stick ø13.8 Hickory cylindrical
Repinique stick / caixa stick MA13.8 - Hickory wood, cilindricalA handy, cylindrical, slim and short repinique stick for tight calls or for caixa players (caixa emcima).The tip end is rounded off head-friendly.American Hickory is the preferred and very durable wood for drumstick production.

Snare Sticks American Hickory

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Snare Sticks American Hickory
Snare sticks - American HickoryClassical Hickory wood drumsticks, 40,5 cm long with a diameter of 14,5 mm.American Hickory is the preferably used wood for drumsticks of all kind.


Caixa- and snare sticks for Samba Reggae- and Maracatu snares and Rio Samba caixas in different sizes, for 'emcima' or traditional low position playing. Find the right sticks for you that are comfy to hold, have a practical shape and which match your music style, technique and instrument. Find caixa sticks in different shapes, lengths and degrees of hardness in this section.