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Twin tip crank tuning key

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Twin tip crank tuning key
Practical twin tip crank tuning keyPractical double tip tuning key with 2 tips in different sizes, crank shaped for easy and effortless tuning, suitable for small (tamborim, pandeiro) and large (caixa, repinique, surdo, cuica...) nuts.

Cuica gambito bamboo stick with string

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Cuica gambito bamboo stick with string
Gambito with string for cuica Your cuica stick broke? Never mind, you can exchange it!Take the cuica skin with the broken stick off the shell, wetten the cuica skin in the middle until it get´s soft, then carefully open the knot with which the gambito is tied in and take out the leftovers of the stick.Carefully sand down the new gambito a little bit with fine sandpaper depending on how thin you like to play it. The thinner the stick, the nicer your cuica skin will respond, but the stick will also get more fragile. Then place the gambito in the middle of the soaked skin and tie a new knot. The skin has to be really wet and soft in the middle, otherwise you won´t be able to put in the new stick. The best is, you get somebody to help you. One person can hold the gambito and the skin, while the other can tie a tight knot. With a bit of practice you´ll soon get the hang of it! Tipp:The cuica skin with the new gambito will need at least over night to dry (important! don´t use hairdryer, heating or sun to dry the head as it will get brittle and tear), therefore cuiqueiros usually take a spare head with a tied-in stick with them. If it does happen, that your gambito breaks during a gig, you are prepared and just put on your spare cuica head. Then you have time to change the broken gambito and until the next day your new 'exchange' head will be dry and ready again.

Tuning key T-shaped

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Tuning key T-shaped
Solid T-shaped tuning key for caixa, cuica, repenique, surdo, etc

Cuica cloth 22cm

Average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars

Cuica cloth 22cm
Cuica fabric - cloth for playing cuicaThe ultimate cloth for playing cuica! Every cuica player has his own special preferences when it comes to his cuica rags. The fabric should ideally be slightly rough, have a nice grip and of course be durable. Professional fabric for cuiqueiros like in Rio!

Tuning key Surdo

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Tuning key Surdo
Tuning key for surdo, caixa, repinique, fits for all brands with inch threads!

Tuning key simple

Average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars

Tuning key simple
Simple tuning key for caixa, repinique, surdo, timbal, cuica etc.
