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Repinique / Caixa stick Hornbeam cylindrical

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Repinique / Caixa stick Hornbeam cylindrical
Repinique stick HO - Hornbeam, cylindricalYou like it harder?This hard-wood cylindrical stick kicks off tight repinique calls and comes in handy for Rio style caixa players!Both ends are smothened out nicely. Hornbeam (laminated wood) is made of  0,7 mm strong beech veneer which is glued under pressure until its density is considerably increased. Therefore hornbeam sticks are slightly heavier than hickory sticks. They also have an extremely concise and brilliant sound. Good weightage a tight soundscape - but slightly less long-lasting than hickory sticks. A Samba stick with enjoyable handling, conical shaped and extraordinary sound-producing quality!

Repinique / Caixa stick ø14.5 Hickory cylindrical

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Repinique / Caixa stick ø14.5 Hickory cylindrical
Repinique stick / caixa stick MA14.5 - Hickory, cylindrical, wide diameterHandy cylindrical short stick for tight calls on the repinique or for Rio style caixa 'emcima' players.Comfortable 14,5 mm diameter. One end is rounded down smoothely - your head will appreciate!American Hickory is the preferred and very durable wood for drumstick production.

Repinique stick Hornbeam conical

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

Repinique stick Hornbeam conical
Repinique stick HO - hornbeam, conicalYou like it harder?The ultimative repinique stick, handy and conical shaped hard-wood kicks in for tight repinique calls, ideal also for Rio style caixa players!Both ends are smothened out nicely. Hornbeam (laminated wood) is made of  0,7 mm strong beech veneer which is glued under pressure until its density is considerably increased. Therefore hornbeam sticks are slightly heavier than hickory sticks. They also have an extremely concise and brilliant sound. Good weightage a tight soundscape - but slightly less long-lasting than hickory sticks. A Samba stick with enjoyable handling, conical shaped and extraordinary sound-producing quality!

Repinique stick Hickory conical

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Repinique stick Hickory conical
Repinique stick MO - American Hickory, conicalThe ultimate repinique stick made of American Hickory! The diameter is comfortable and the conical shape lies well in the hand. Both ends are rounded off to protect your head. The perfect stick for repinique players and Rio style caixa players!American Hickory is the most common type of wood for the production of percussion sticks. It is stable, durable and not too heavy.

Repinique stick ø14.5 Hickory cylindrical long

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

Repinique stick ø14.5 Hickory cylindrical long
Repinique stick / repique mor stick MA14,5mm - Hickory wood, cilindrical, larger diameter, longA handy, cylindrical repinique stick with stronger diameter and long leverage for tight calls on the repinique, repique mor and charuto. The tip end is also cylindrical (no drum-stick tip) with a head-friendly rounding to protect your drum head.American Hickory is the preferred and very durable wood for drumstick production.

Repinique / Caixa stick ø13.8 Hickory cylindrical

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Repinique / Caixa stick ø13.8 Hickory cylindrical
Repinique stick / caixa stick MA13.8 - Hickory wood, cilindricalA handy, cylindrical, slim and short repinique stick for tight calls or for caixa players (caixa emcima).The tip end is rounded off head-friendly.American Hickory is the preferred and very durable wood for drumstick production.

Repinique stick ø13.8 Hickory cylindrical long

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Repinique stick ø13.8 Hickory cylindrical long
Repinique stick / repique mor stick MA13.8mm - Hickory wood, cylindrical, narrow diameter, longA handy, cylindrical, slim repinique stick with long leverage for tight calls on the repinique, repique mor and charutos. The tip end is also cylindrical (no drum-stick tip) but rounded off head-friendly.American Hickory is the preferred and very durable wood for drumstick production.

Repinique beaters Samba Reggae 40cm

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Repinique beaters Samba Reggae 40cm
Flexible Samba Reggae and Afro Samba style nylon sticks.Available sizes:40 cm42,5 cm45 cm47,5 cm50 cm

Repinique beaters PRO Samba Reggae 40cm

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Repinique beaters PRO Samba Reggae 40cm
Repinique beaters PRO - Samba ReggaeFlexible Samba Reggae and Afro Samba style nylon sticks with ABS elastomer grip.Available sizes:40 cm42,5 cm45 cm47,5 cm50 cm


Repinique sticks for Samba Reggae and Rio Samba made of plastic or different woods. Find the right sticks in the shape and length that is comfortable for you to hold and conveniently shaped to suit your music style, technique and instrument.