Korino head 20'' by Contemporanea: Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon and sound warm and bassy. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will break if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
P3 head for 18'' surdo (P3 - 250 Micron: 0,25mm) - IZZO
Thick or thin?P3 heads are thicker (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P2 heads, which is why they sound more saturated, they have less overtones and transmit an almost matt tone because they vibrate less than a thin head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. A thicker head might last a few gigs longer, but the difference is probably not to be mentioned.
Resonance head or batter head?P3 heads are ideally used as batter heads. You can combine a P3 batter head perfectly with a P2 resonance head.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
20'' korino head by IZZO:Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will break if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
20“ P2 surdo head (P2 - 190 micron: 0,19mm) - TIMBRA
Thin or thick?P2 heads are thinner (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P3 heads, which is why they sound lighter, they have more overtones and transmit sound easier because they vibrate stronger than a thick head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. 20'' heads have stronger aluminium rings for more stability.
Resonance head or batter head?You can use P2 heads for both sides of our surdo. You can use them for the batter- or resonance side.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
inverted 20'' korino / nappa head by Timbra:A nappa head with a new concept! The artificial nappa skin is on the inside of a double-layered head, the white nylon head is on top. The sound has more volume and a fuller bass, the beat stays clear and accentuated. Until recently the typical full sound of korino heads was only possible by missing out the defined 'attack'. This new head from Timbra has both: a deep impressive bass and a clear beat!
Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will brake if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
20“ nylon head / single-layered surdo head by Contemporânea The standard-type single-layered 20'' nylon heads from Contemporânea are classical and very responsive surdo heads with a high vibration behaviour, clear and light sound spectrum which can conveniently be used on both surdo sides as superior and/or resonance head. The thickness of your surdo head contributes significantly to the general sound characteristics of your instrument, therefore it is important to know what sound you like and are looking to achieve, and how your surdo shell reacts in combination with the head. 20'' surdos usually play a low bass voice, if you are looking for a light sound with much sustain and overtones, a single-layered head is a good choice. Single-layered nylon heads are very responsive and intentionally overtone-based, if you feel you'd like a bit less, you can easily muffle the head with some tape; single-layered nylon heads are durable, weatherproof and can be used on both sides as batter or resonance head on a surdo - all good reasons why this type of head is so very popular. Single-layered nylon heads are the thinner standard version by Contemporânea and are very responsive with a clear, light sound and intentionally rich in overtones due to their vibrating stronger than thicker heads. You will notice that a while after putting on a new head on your surdo, the sound will change positively. A new head will usually sound a bit whiny in the beginning, it needs to find its 'groove' first. As soon as it gets used to the tension, the rim of the shell and to being played regularly, the sound will settle nicely. As usual - good things are worth waiting for. A thin nylon head is suitable for you if you like the clear and light sound and if you want a head with an easy response.
Inverted korino head 18'' by Contemporânea:A nappa head with a new concept! The artificial nappa skin is on the inside of a double-layered head, the white nylon head is on top. The sound has more volume and a fuller bass, the beat stays clear and accentuated. Until recently the typical full sound of korino heads was only possible by missing out the defined 'attack'. This new head from Timbra has both: a deep impressive bass and a clear beat!
Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will brake if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only beaters with plenty of padding.
P3 surdo head for 20'' surdos (P3 - 250 Micron: 0,25mm) - IZZO
Thick or thin?P3 heads are thicker (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P2 heads, which is why they sound more saturated, they have less overtones and transmit an almost matt tone because they vibrate less than a thin head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. A thicker head might last a few gigs longer, but the difference is probably not to be mentioned. 20'' heads of this type also have stronger aluminium rims for higher durability and a better stability.
Resonance head or batter head?P3 heads are ideally used as batter heads. You can combine a P3 batter head perfectly with a P2 resonance head.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
Korino head 18'' by IZZO:Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will break if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
16“ P2 head (P2 - 190 micron: 0,19mm) - IZZO
Thin or thick?P2 heads are thinner (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P3 heads, which is why they sound lighter, they have more overtones and transmit sound easier because they vibrate stronger than a thick head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. Some percussionists play a thin head just as long as a thicker one.
Resonance head or batter head?You can use P2 heads for both. They are suitable for batter- or resonance side of your drum.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
Inverted nappa- / korino head, 16'' by Timbra:A nappa head with a new concept: The artificial nappa skin is on the inside of a double-layered head, the white nylon head is on top. The sound has more volume and a fuller bass, the beat stays clear and accentuated. Until recently the typical full sound of korino heads was only possible by missing out the defined attack. This new head from Timbra has both: a deep impressive bass and a clear beat!Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will brake if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
Korino head 16'' by IZZO:Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will break if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
18“ P2 surdo head (P2 - 190 micron: 0,19mm) - IZZO
Thin or thick?P2 heads are thinner (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P3 heads, which is why they sound lighter, they have more overtones and transmit sound easier because they vibrate stronger than a thick head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. Some percussionists play a thin head just as long as a thicker one.
Resonance head or batter head?You can use P2 heads for both sides of our surdo. You can use them for the batter- or resonance side.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
20“ P2 surdo head (P2 - 190 micron: 0,19mm) - IZZO
Thin or thick?P2 heads are thinner (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P3 heads, which is why they sound lighter, they have more overtones and transmit sound easier because they vibrate stronger than a thick head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. Some percussionists play a thin head just as long as a thicker one. 20'' heads of this type also have stronger aluminium rims for higher durability and a better stability.
Resonance head or batter head?You can use P2 heads for both. They are suitable for batter- or resonance sides your surdo.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
Fibreglass coated 20'' supernylon superior surdo head by ContemporâneaDurable, strong, thick surdo head with rich mids; fibreglass coating filters out unwanted overtones. Supernylon heads are made of a foil 32% times thicker than standard heads and have a special fibreglass coating on the underside producing a specific sound characteristic: reduced overtones, amplified mids, powerful sound. Super nylon heads are also particularly durable. Super nylon heads are always meant to be superior heads (batter heads), as they vibrate less due to their thick foil and their coating and they are therefore not suitable as resonance heads.Good to know:Give your head some time to settle! You will notice that there is a lot of strange sounds going on when you put on a new head. At first, a new drum head might sound a bit squeaky, until it gets used to the tension and the rim, it will stretch and eventually settle nicely onto the rim and into the hardware. In short - give it some time! A new head needs a few rehearsals until it sounds really good. A super nylon head is suitable for you if you like rich, strong and overtone-poor sound and you are looking for an especially durable head.
Inverted korino head 16'' by Contemporânea:A nappa head with a new concept! The artificial nappa skin is on the inside of a double-layered head, the white nylon head is on top. The sound has more volume and a fuller bass, the beat stays clear and accentuated. Until recently the typical full sound of korino heads was only possible by missing out the defined 'attack'. This new head from Timbra has both: a deep impressive bass and a clear beat!
Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will brake if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding or the ones that we explicitely recommend on our site.
Fibreglass coated 16'' supernylon superior surdo head by ContemporâneaDurable, strong, thick surdo head with rich mids; fibreglass coating filters out unwanted overtones. Supernylon heads are made of a foil 32% times thicker than standard heads and have a special fibreglass coating on the underside producing a specific sound characteristic: reduced overtones, amplified mids, powerful sound. Super nylon heads are also particularly durable. Super nylon heads are always meant to be superior heads (batter heads), as they vibrate less due to their thick foil and their coating and they are therefore not suitable as resonance heads.Good to know:Give your head some time to settle! You will notice that there is a lot of strange sounds going on when you put on a new head. At first, a new drum head might sound a bit squeaky, until it gets used to the tension and the rim, it will stretch and eventually settle nicely onto the rim and into the hardware. In short - give it some time! A new head needs a few rehearsals until it sounds really good. A super nylon head is suitable for you if you like rich, strong and overtone-poor sound and you are looking for an especially durable head.
Fibreglass coated 18'' supernylon superior surdo head by ContemporâneaDurable, strong, thick surdo head with rich mids and strong bass tones; fibreglass coating filters out unwanted overtones. Supernylon heads are made of a foil 32% times thicker than standard heads and have a special fibreglass coating on the underside producing a specific sound characteristic: reduced overtones, amplified mids, powerful sound. Super nylon heads are also particularly durable. Super nylon heads are always meant to be superior heads (batter heads), as they vibrate less due to their thick foil and their coating and they are therefore not suitable as resonance heads.Good to know:Give your head some time to settle! You will notice that there is a lot of strange sounds going on when you put on a new head. At first, a new drum head might sound a bit squeaky, until it gets used to the tension and the rim, it will stretch and eventually settle nicely onto the rim and into the hardware. In short - give it some time! A new head needs a few rehearsals until it sounds really good. A super nylon head is suitable for you if you like rich, strong and overtone-poor sound and you are looking for an especially durable head.
Inverted korino head 20'' by Contemporânea:A nappa head with a new concept! The artificial nappa skin is on the inside of a double-layered head, the white nylon head is on top. The sound has more volume and a fuller bass, the beat stays clear and accentuated. Until recently the typical full sound of korino heads was only possible by missing out the defined 'attack'. This new head from Timbra has both: a deep impressive bass and a clear beat!
Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will brake if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only beaters with plenty of padding.
16“ P3 surdo head (P3 - 250 Micron: 0,25mm) - IZZO
Thick or thin?P3 heads are thicker (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P2 heads, which is why they sound more saturated, they have less overtones and transmit an almost matt tone because they vibrate less than a thin head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. A thicker head might last a few gigs longer, but the difference is probably not to be mentioned.
Resonance head or batter head?P3 heads are ideally used as batter heads. You can combine a P3 batter head perfectly with a P2 resonance head.
Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
Korino head 18'' by Contemporanea:
Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon and sound warm and bassy. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will break if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
Korino head 16'' by Contemporânea:Nappa or korino heads are multi-ply synthetic layers of artificial leather and nylon. This construction reacts quite sensitive to beaters which are too hard. The head will break if you use beaters with too little padding. We recommend that for korino heads you use only soft or medium beaters with plenty of padding.
16“ nylon head / surdo head by ContemporâneaThe standard 16'' nylon heads from Contemporânea are classical, single-layered surdo heads with a high vibration behaviour, clear and light sound spectrum which can conveniently be used on both surdo sides as superior and/or resonance head. The thickness of your surdo head contributes significantly to the general sound characteristics of your instrument, therefore it is important to know what sound you like and are looking to achieve, and how your surdo shell reacts in combination with the head. A single-layered nylon head is very responsive and intentionally overtone-based, it can be muffled with some tape if desired, it is durable, weatherproof and can be used on both sides as batter or resonance head on a surdo. All these are good reasons why this type of head is so very popular.Single-layered nylon heads are the thinner standard version by Contemporânea and are very responsive with a clear, light sound and intentionally rich in overtones due to their vibrating stronger than thicker heads. You will notice that a while after putting on a new head on your surdo, the sound will change positively. A new head will usually sound a bit whiny in the beginning, it needs to find its 'groove' first. As soon as it gets used to the tension, the rim of the shell and to being played regularly, the sound will settle nicely. As usual - good things are worth waiting for. A thin nylon head is suitable for you if you like the clear and light sound and if you want a head with an easy response.
18“ nylon head / surdo head by Contemporânea The standard-type 18'' nylon heads from Contemporânea are classical, single-layered surdo heads with a high vibration behaviour, clear and light sound spectrum which can conveniently be used on both surdo sides as superior and/or resonance head. The thickness of your surdo head contributes significantly to the general sound characteristics of your instrument, therefore it is important to know what sound you like and are looking to achieve, and how your surdo shell reacts in combination with the head. Especially the 18'' size, which in most styles plays a high-pitched voice, the characteristics of a single-layered head is often best right choice. A single-layered nylon head is very responsive and intentionally overtone-based, it can be muffled with some tape if desired, it is durable, weatherproof and can be used on both sides as batter or resonance head on a surdo. All these are good reasons why this type of head is so very popular. Single-layered nylon heads are the thinner standard version by Contemporânea and are very responsive with a clear, light sound and intentionally rich in overtones due to their vibrating stronger than thicker heads. You will notice that a while after putting on a new head on your surdo, the sound will change positively. A new head will usually sound a bit whiny in the beginning, it needs to find its 'groove' first. As soon as it gets used to the tension, the rim of the shell and to being played regularly, the sound will settle nicely. As usual - good things are worth waiting for. A thin nylon head is suitable for you if you like the clear and light sound and if you want a head with an easy response.
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