D20 ALLROUND surdo beater with wood handle for all head types and voices, semi-hard head and well balancedOur multi-talent all-rounder beater:- the ALLROUND D20 has a slim handle and is wonderfully comfortable to hold and play with- the handle is made of hard-wood and has the typical warm wood haptics- the semi-hard head give a good attack and a present soundIdeal for:Surdos with nylon heads, inverted nappa heads, vintage headsSurdo voices 1 + 2Zabumba with nylon and korino headsCan do:If you play low surdo voices as well as high ones and just want to use one type of beaters, you 'll be quite fine with this one.For surdos with korino heads we recommend the version with the bigger and softer padded head - the FUNDO. As the playing technique with zabumbas is different, the D20 can be used for korino heads on a zabumba. If you play carefully, you can also use the D20 for korino heads on surdos.
Mallet for zabumba with bacalhãoZabumba beater made of light Marupá wood. Easy to handle, comfortable typical warm wood haptics. The beater has a medium padding which makes it percect for zabumba playing, they sound good on both - nappa and nylon heads. The medium hard head produces a nice and Forró-typical attack and a present sound.
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