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Zabumba aluminium 18''x20cm

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Zabumba aluminium 18''x20cm
18'' aluminium zabumba for authentic Forró and a north-east-Brazilian dance night out The zabumba is the heartbeat of any Forró-, Baião-, Xote- or Xaxado ensemble. Just like the surdo in Samba it plays the base and provides the pulse with its pushy rhythms and makes you wanting to jump up and dance with its syncopated beats. The playing technique is a little different: the upper head - which is fitted with a nylon head for a stronger attack - is played with a short, padded mallet, whilst the resonance head is played with a thin whip creating the typical contrast with contra rhythms. A good zabumba player knows how to make you dance even if you are not much of dancer. Always on his side - the triangle, the accordion and a singer. An 18'' zabumba is a great medium size and offers plenty of possibilities within an ensemble.Izzo produces well-made, solid and high-quality instruments at fair and affordable prices.What are you waiting for - grab your dance shoes or your za-bum-ba!

Zabumba aluminium 20''x20cm

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba aluminium 20''x20cm
20'' aluminium zabumba for authentic Forró and a north-east-Brazilian dance night out The zabumba is the heartbeat of any Forró-, Baião-, Xote- or Xaxado ensemble. Just like the surdo in Samba it plays the base and provides the pulse with its pushy rhythms and makes you wanting to jump up and dance with its syncopated beats. The playing technique is a little different: the upper head - which is fitted with a nylon head for a stronger attack - is played with a short, padded mallet, whilst the resonance head is played with a thin whip creating the typical contrast with contra rhythms. A good zabumba player knows how to make you dance even if you are not much of dancer. Always on his side - the triangle, the accordion and a singer. A 20'' zabumba is a great and authentic size with strong bass line.Izzo produces well-made, solid and high-quality instruments at fair and affordable prices.What are you waiting for - grab your dance shoes or your za-bum-ba!

Zabumba wood 20''x20cm

Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars

Zabumba wood 20''x20cm
20'' zabumba - for traditional Forró and north-east Brazilian dance nights! A zabumba must not be missing in any Forró-, Baião-, Xote- or Xaxado ensemble. It gives the pulse and pushes everyone to dance with its syncopated beats. Even if you're not into dancing much, a good zabumba player - together with accordeon, triangel and vocals - will make you take your shoes off! Zabumbas are played with a soft and short mallet on the superior head equipped with a nappa head for very soft and warm attack. To produce the typical contrast, the contrarhythms on the other side of the zabumba are played with a thin switch on a nylon head. Za-bum-ba, that's how it sounds!

Zabumba wood 18''x20cm

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba wood 18''x20cm
Compact 18'' zabumba - for traditional Forró and north-east Brazilian dance nights! A zabumba must not be missing in any Forró-, Baião-, Xote- or Xaxado ensemble. It gives the pulse and pushes everyone to dance with its syncopated beats. Even if you're not into dancing much, a good zabumba player - together with accordeon, triangel and vocals - will make you take your shoes off! Zabumbas are played with a soft and short mallet on the superior head equipped with a nappa head for very soft and warm attack. To produce the typical contrast, the contrarhythms on the other side of the zabumba are played with a thin switch on a nylon head. Za-bum-ba, that's how it sounds!

Zabumba 18''x20cm  individual tuning

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba 18''x20cm individual tuning
Zabumba with beautiful wood shell 18'' x 20 cm - tuning system for each sideThe heartbeat and soul of each Forró ensemble! The zabumba gives the pulse and pushes the swing with its contra rhythms. Together with a triangle, accordion and lyrics, nobody can resist to dance to Forró! Gope has built a traditional modell with a modern design. The body is beautifully layer-glued, the laminated wood is painted black and has quite a luxury look. The dark finish goes beautifully with the brass connecting sleeves and the chromed lugs. You can tune each side of the zabumba through seperate hooks. The playing side has a nylon head, the bottom side has a thinner resonance head. Ready for your next Forró? 

Zabumba wood 16''x20cm

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Zabumba wood 16''x20cm
Compact 16'' zabumba - for traditional Forró and north-east Brazilian dance nights! A zabumba must not be missing in any Forró-, Baião-, Xote- or Xaxado ensemble. It gives the pulse and pushes everyone to dance with its syncopated beats. Even if you're not into dancing much, a good zabumba player - together with accordeon, triangel and vocals - will make you take your shoes off! Zabumbas are played with a soft and short mallet on the superior head equipped with a nappa head for very soft and warm attack. To produce the typical contrast, the contrarhythms on the other side of the zabumba are played with a thin switch on a nylon head. Za-bum-ba, that's how it sounds!

Zabumba aluminium 20''x20cm

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba aluminium 20''x20cm
20'' rustical aluminium zabumba - for traditional Forró and north-east Brazilian dance nights! A zabumba must not be missing in any Forró-, Baião-, Xote- or Xaxado ensemble. It gives the pulse and pushes everyone to dance with its syncopated beats. Even if you're not into dancing much, a good zabumba player - together with accordeon, triangel and vocals - will make you take your shoes off! Zabumbas are played with a soft and short mallet on the superior head, in this case equipped with a nylon head for stronger attack. To make the sound warmer, you can muffle the head with some tape and a piece of cloth or use a nappa head, it depends on what sound you prefer! To produce the typical contrast, the contrarhythms on the other side of the zabumba are played with a thin switch on a nylon head. Za-bum-ba, that's how it sounds!

Zabumba 20''x20cm  individual tuning

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba 20''x20cm individual tuning
Zabumba with beautiful wood shell 20'' x 20 cm - seperate tuning systems on each sideThe heartbeat and soul of each Forró ensemble! The zabumba gives the pulse and pushes the swing with its contra rhythms. Together with a triangle, accordion and lyrics, nobody can resist to dance to Forró! Gope has built a traditional modell with a modern design. The shell is made of layered plywood with a laminated wood finish in a natural tone. The finish goes beautifully with the brass connecting sleeves and the chromed lugs. You can tune each side of the zabumba through seperate hooks. The playing side has a nylon head, the bottom side has a thinner resonance head. Ready for your next Forró?

Zabumba wood 16''x20cm

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba wood 16''x20cm
Compact 16’’ Zabumba by Gope – Authentic Forró GrooveThe zabumba is the heartbeat of every Forró session – setting the pulse and driving the dance floor with its syncopated rhythms. Together with the accordion, triangle, and vocals, it creates the unmistakable groove of Baião, Xote, Xaxado, and of course, Forró.This 16’’ zabumba by Gope blends traditional craftsmanship with modern construction. The laminated wood shell delivers a rich, warm tone, while the nylon skins on both sides provide a crisp attack. In Brazil, many players add a rubber pad to the center of the playing head to soften the tone while keeping precision.A compact, powerful zabumba with warm haptics – perfect for authentic Forró!

Zabumba wood 18''x20cm

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Zabumba wood 18''x20cm
Compact 18’’ Zabumba by Gope – Authentic Forró GrooveThe zabumba is the heartbeat of every Forró session – setting the pulse and driving the dance floor with its syncopated rhythms. Together with the accordion, triangle, and vocals, it creates the unmistakable groove of Baião, Xote, Xaxado, and of course, Forró.This 18’’ zabumba by Gope blends traditional craftsmanship with modern construction. The laminated wood shell delivers a rich, warm tone, while the nylon skins on both sides provide a crisp attack. In Brazil, many players add a rubber pad to the center of the playing head to soften the tone while keeping precision.A compact, powerful zabumba with warm haptics – perfect for authentic Forró! 
