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Timbal 14''x90cm purple

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Timbal 14''x90cm purple
Allrounder aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 10 hooks, powder-coated finish - purple - GopeBig time bass tones and smacky slaps are en vogue with this model, 10 hooks allow for crisp tuning. Aluminium timbals add a sharper touch to your sound especially for street- and any outdoor gigs. This type of timbal is super easy to maintain, weather resistant and robust. The hardware is trimmed to a minimum weight - typical Gope style for lightweight construction; a rounded comfort rim makes playing particularly comfortable. The shell is welded at the seam, which emphasises more shell content in the sound, as the materials can resonate better. Nice all-rounder for all styles!

Timbal 14''x90cm red

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm red
14'' x 90 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shellCrisp tuning, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.More material, like tension hooks and reinforcing elements, naturally adds some weight. But once the timbal is on the stand on stage, the extra weight is no longer an issue – every gram is worth it for the sound! And with a good strap, you can still carry it comfortably as usual.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x90cm blue bike

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm blue bike
14'' x 90 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shellCrisp tuning, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.More material, like tension hooks and reinforcing elements, naturally adds some weight. But once the timbal is on the stand on stage, the extra weight is no longer an issue – every gram is worth it for the sound! And with a good strap, you can still carry it comfortably as usual.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x90cm orange

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm orange
14'' x 90 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shellCrisp tuning, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.More material, like tension hooks and reinforcing elements, naturally adds some weight. But once the timbal is on the stand on stage, the extra weight is no longer an issue – every gram is worth it for the sound! And with a good strap, you can still carry it comfortably as usual.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x90cm green

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm green
Timbal 14'' x 90 cm mit 16 Spannhaken für hohe Spannung, AluminiumkesselHöchste Stimmung, klare und knackige Slaps, kräftige open Tones, satte Bässe - das Modell mit 16 Spannhaken der Top-Marke Timbra hält knackig-hohe Stimmungen aus! Viele Axé-Popbands, Samba Reggae Blocos und auch Sambaschulen in Rio folgen seit einigen Jahren dem Trend, Timbals extrem hoch zu stimmen. Um die hohen Kräfte, die beim Hochstimmen entstehen, besser zu verteilen und den Kessel nicht zu überlasten, wird die Spannung über mehr Spannhaken auf den Kessel verteilt. Ein zusätzlicher Verstärkungsring hilft bei der Kräfteverteilung. Der Korpus ist für die Stimmungen gebaut, die mit einer traditionellen Timbal nicht realisierbar wären. Sehr gute Verarbeitung.Mehr Material, wie Spannhaken und Verstärkungselemente, bedeutet natürlich auch mehr Gewicht. Doch sobald die Timbal auf der Bühne im Ständer steht, spielt das keine Rolle mehr – jeder zusätzliche Gramm ist es für den Sound wert! Mit einem guten Gurt kannst Du die Timbal natürlich auch einfach wie gewohnt tragen.Ein echtes optisches Highlight, ein klangliches Vergnügen, robust und hochwertig verarbeitet, im original Bahian Style – diese Timbal hat seinen Platz in verschiedenen musikalische Welten, von Blocos und Baterias hin zu Brasil-, Jazz-, Pop- oder Weltmusikbands.

Timbal 14''x90cm yellow

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm yellow
14'' x 90 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shellCrisp tuning, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.More material, like tension hooks and reinforcing elements, naturally adds some weight. But once the timbal is on the stand on stage, the extra weight is no longer an issue – every gram is worth it for the sound! And with a good strap, you can still carry it comfortably as usual.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x90cm blue

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm blue
14'' x 90 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shellCrisp tuning, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.More material, like tension hooks and reinforcing elements, naturally adds some weight. But once the timbal is on the stand on stage, the extra weight is no longer an issue – every gram is worth it for the sound! And with a good strap, you can still carry it comfortably as usual.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x80cm red

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x80cm red
14'' x 80 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shell80cm timbals are the perfect alternative if you find the 90cm models too big and heavy, without compromising on sound – the difference in sound is so small that even trained ears will hardly notice it.Compact timbal for crisp, high tunings, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x80cm blue bike

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x80cm blue bike
14'' x 80 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shell80cm timbals are the perfect alternative if you find the 90cm models too big and heavy, without compromising on sound – the difference in sound is so small that even trained ears will hardly notice it.Compact timbal for crisp, high tunings, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x80cm orange

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x80cm orange
14'' x 80 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shell80cm timbals are the perfect alternative if you find the 90cm models too big and heavy, without compromising on sound – the difference in sound is so small that even trained ears will hardly notice it.Compact timbal for crisp, high tunings, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands. 

Timbal 14''x80cm green

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x80cm green
14'' x 80 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shell80cm timbals are the perfect alternative if you find the 90cm models too big and heavy, without compromising on sound – the difference in sound is so small that even trained ears will hardly notice it.Compact timbal for crisp, high tunings, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.

Timbal 14''x80cm yellow

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x80cm yellow
14'' x 80 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shell80cm timbals are the perfect alternative if you find the 90cm models too big and heavy, without compromising on sound – the difference in sound is so small that even trained ears will hardly notice it.Compact timbal for crisp, high tunings, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands. 

Timbal Custom 14''x90cm Serie 2

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal Custom 14''x90cm Serie 2
Timbra Custom Series - Limited Edition foiled 14''x90cm TimbalBeautiful special edition with a design to die for, absolute pro-sound properties, aluminium for strong volume and 16 hooks for the crispest tuning. Powerful open tones and massive bass. Only to be given into extremely good sambista hands ;)

Timbal Custom 14''x90cm Serie 3

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal Custom 14''x90cm Serie 3
Timbra Custom Series - Limited Edition foiled 14''x90cm TimbalBeautiful special edition with a design to die for, absolute pro-sound properties, aluminium for strong volume and 16 hooks for the crispest tuning. Powerful open tones and massive bass. Only to be given into extremely good sambista hands ;)

DEAL | Timbal aluminium 14''x90cm

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

DEAL | Timbal aluminium 14''x90cm
Classic tall aluminium timbal with 8 hooks, thick P3 skin (250 micron) and chrome-plated hardware for all styles.

€145.00* €178.00* (18.54% saved)
Timbal 14''x90cm orange

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm orange
Allrounder aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 10 hooks, powder-coated finish - orange - GopeBig time bass tones and smacky slaps are en vogue with this model, 10 hooks allow for crisp tuning. Aluminium timbals add a sharper touch to your sound especially for street- and any outdoor gigs. This type of timbal is super easy to maintain, weather resistant and robust. The hardware is trimmed to a minimum weight - typical Gope style for lightweight construction; a rounded comfort rim makes playing particularly comfortable. The shell is welded at the seam, which emphasises more shell content in the sound, as the materials can resonate better. Nice all-rounder for all styles!

Timbal 14''x90cm green

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm green
Allrounder aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 10 hooks, powder-coated finish - green - GopeBig time bass tones and smacky slaps are en vogue with this model, 10 hooks allow for crisp tuning. Aluminium timbals add a sharper touch to your sound especially for street- and any outdoor gigs. This type of timbal is super easy to maintain, weather resistant and robust. The hardware is trimmed to a minimum weight - typical Gope style for lightweight construction; a rounded comfort rim makes playing particularly comfortable. The shell is welded at the seam, which emphasises more shell content in the sound, as the materials can resonate better. Nice all-rounder for all styles!

Timbal Selfie 14''x70cm blue

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal Selfie 14''x70cm blue
Timbal 14'' x 70 cm aluminium - selfie blue 16 hooksCompact timbal in 70cm, ideal for kids, students and short sambistas. At 14", it has a full diameter and can be tuned to a crisp pitch with 16 tension hooks. Short shells have less sustain, so if you want more oomph, take a look at the 80cm and 90cm timbals. Aluminium is perfect for all weather conditions, is easy to clean and robust. Gope is known for its lightweight construction and beautiful powder-coated finish. 

Timbal 14''x70cm Didá red

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x70cm Didá red
Timbal 14'' x 70 cm aluminium - DIDÁ red 16 hooksDidá (Banda Feminina) is a bloco afro for women in Salvador, founded by Neguinho do Samba, which performs afro-Brazilian percussion, rehearses publicly in the heart of Salvador and has long been very successful. Gope has created a tribute to the group with its signature instrument series Didá in several colours. This series supports Didá's mission to empower women through music.Compact timbal in 70cm, ideal for kids, students and short sambistas. At 14", it has a full diameter and can be tuned to a crisp pitch with 16 tension hooks. Short shells have less sustain, so if you want more oomph, take a look at the 80cm and 90cm timbals. Aluminium is perfect for all weather conditions, is easy to clean and robust. Gope is known for its lightweight construction and beautiful powder-coated finish. 

Timbal 14''x70cm yellow

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x70cm yellow
Timbal 14'' x 70 cm aluminium - yellow, 16 hooksCompact timbal in 70cm, ideal for kids, students and short sambistas. At 14", it has a full diameter and can be tuned to a crisp pitch with 16 tension hooks. Short shells have less sustain, so if you want more oomph, take a look at the 80cm and 90cm timbals. Aluminium is perfect for all weather conditions, is easy to clean and robust. Gope is known for its lightweight construction and beautiful powder-coated finish.

Timbal 14''x70cm purple

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x70cm purple
Timbal 14'' x 70cm aluminium - puple, 10 hooks - GopeCompact timbal in 70cm, ideal for kids, students and short sambistas. At 14", it has a full diameter and can be tuned to a classical with its 10 tension hooks. Short shells have less sustain, so if you want more oomph, take a look at the 80cm and 90cm timbals. Aluminium is perfect for all weather conditions, is easy to clean and robust. Gope is known for its lightweight construction and beautiful powder-coated finish. 

Timbal 14''x90cm yellow

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x90cm yellow
Aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 16 hooks, sunshine yellow, Gope#Selfie - effect colours from Gope! Stylish powder coating with a lot of bling for your stage and street gigs! Gope uses thinner steel sheet which saves some weight and makes the instrument perfect for parades and outdoor gigs where you wear the timbal on a strap. Naturally it will weigh a bit more than a timba with less hardware but full sound and a smart look totally make up for that!Timbaleiro trend from Salvador da Bahia: timbals with 16 tension hooks can be pitched up really high! The hooks spread the pression equally on the shell of the drum, like this your shell will not suffer any damage, even with the highest tuning. Nice, deep bass sound and crispy slaps are a nice to have with aluminium instruments, the whole sound has the typical sharp note. Aluminium instruments are pretty easy to maintain, weather doesn't harm them much and they are robust. The seam of the body is welded. Welded shells produce a higher and more audible part of shell sound due to more constant vibration. The hardware matches the color of the shell, as is the comfort rim. Keep in mind - more hardware means more weight!

Timbal Selfie 14''x90cm blue

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal Selfie 14''x90cm blue
Aluminium timbal 14'' x 90 cm with 16 hooks, Selfie Blue, Gope#Selfie - effect colours from Gope!Stylish powder coating with a lot of bling for your stage and street gigs!Gope uses thinner steel sheet which saves some weight and makes the instrument perfect for parades and outdoor gigs where you wear the timbal on a strap. Naturally it will weigh a bit more than a timba with less hardware but full sound and a smart look totally make up for that!Timbaleiro trend from Salvador da Bahia: timbals with 16 tension hooks can be pitched up really high! The hooks spread the pression equally on the shell of the drum, like this your shell will not suffer any damage, even with the highest tuning. Nice, deep bass sound and crispy slaps are a nice to have with aluminium instruments, the whole sound has the typical sharp note. Aluminium instruments are pretty easy to maintain, weather doesn't harm them much and they are robust. The seam of the body is welded. Welded shells produce a higher and more audible part of shell sound due to more constant vibration. The hardware matches the shell color, so does the comfort rim. Keep in mind - more hardware means more weight!

Timbal 14''x80cm blue

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Timbal 14''x80cm blue
14'' x 80 cm timbal with 16 high-tension hooks, aluminium shell80cm timbals are the perfect alternative if you find the 90cm models too big and heavy, without compromising on sound – the difference in sound is so small that even trained ears will hardly notice it.Compact timbal for crisp, high tunings, clear and smacky slaps, powerful open tones, rich basses – this model from the top brand Timbra with 16 hooks can withstand the highest tuning! Many Axé Pop bands, Samba Reggae blocos and also Samba schools in Rio have been following the trend of tuning timbals extremely high for quite some years. In order to better distribute the high forces that occur when tuning high and to avoid overloading the shell, the tension is distributed to the shell by using more hooks. An additional reinforcing ring helps to balance the pressure. The shell is built for tunings that would not be possible with a traditional timbal. Very well made instrument.A true visual standout and a tonal masterpiece, robust and high-quality, crafted in the authentic Bahian style – this timbal fits perfectly into diverse musical worlds, from Samba Reggae blocos and Rio style batucadas to Brazilian, jazz, pop, or world music bands.
