6" pocket-cuica, inox shellIt really is a pretty small cuica - but it's not a toy! The 6" cuica by Izzo is absolutely sound-compatible! Sure, for a large bateria you will have to go for a larger size, but for a small session or a weekend trip with some Pagodes, this one here is just perfect! The goatskin head is all ready to play with the gambito tied in. You might find it helpful to sand the bamboo stick down a little bit with a piece of sandpaper, with that the head will respond more easily. Keep in mind that the thinner the gambito is, the more sensitive it gets.The shell is made of stainless steel, the hardware is chromed, rustical and well made. Cuicas are funny little instruments, not so easy to play but always a big enrichment. You will see it a lot in Brazil, here it is becoming more and more popular.A very diverse, original an authentic instrument and a great supplement to have in any Samba session!
8'' Cuica with inox shell - the all-rounder sizeThe perfect all-rounder size! With an 8'' cuica you can comfortably play in a small bateria, at the Pagode or any smaller ensemble and take it with you on your travels. You could consider sizing up if you are planning to play in a massive bateria, but this model is perfect for a smaller group or a weekend trip with Pagode session. The resonance body is the same length as the larger models and is therefore very similarly loud. The head with the little bambo stick is mounted and ready to play, you might find it helpful to sand the dry bamboo stick a tad thinner with some sandpaper. This makes the head more responsive, keep in mind that the stick also becomes more sensitive when it's thinner.The body is made of stainless steel, the hardware is chromed, rustic and well made instrument. The Cuica is a lovable, difficult to play but very fun instrument, which is very common in Brazil and is becoming more and more popular outside the country as well.Something different!
10'' Cuica with inox shell
A 'fully-grown' cuica can fit in any bateria. The larger the resonating body is, the more audible you will be in larger percussion groups. Larger diameter cuicas can also be tuned lower and therewith produce a wider range of tones, which is especially nice if you want to use a wider sound spectrum e.g. in a Pagode or in smaller groups.The head with the little bamboo stick is mounted and ready to play, you might find it helpful to sand the dry bamboo stick a tad thinner with some sandpaper. This makes the head more responsive, keep in mind that the stick also becomes more sensitive when it's thinner.The body is made of stainless steel, the hardware is chromed, rustic and well made instrument. The Cuica is a lovable, difficult to play but very fun instrument, which is very common in Brazil and is becoming more and more popular outside the country as well.Something different!
Compact 8'' cuica for all occasions by ContemporaneaIt is a lovely thing to have a cuica with your bateria. It brings a totally different sound colour to your Samba. Also it is fun to play and cuica players are naturally born talents when it comes to animate your audience at gigs and street concerts. The 8'' size cuica is a great instrument for spontaneous sessions or as a fearly compact travel companion, you can use it for any event from Samba de Mesa to Samba batucada playing in a bateria. Contemporanea uses polished thick-walled stainless steel for their cuicas. The hardware is chromed.
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