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RecoReco with 3 springs, black
If you already have seen a Pagode group playing in Rio, you probably remember the typical sound of the reco reco - dry, crisp, dirty and penetrating, a bit like a caixa with the volume turned down. This reco reco has a body mad of steel sheet, the springs are directly attached to it.
Special feature: on the rear side of the reco reco there are metal ridges so you can choose to play guiro either with the metal stick which comes with the reco reco, or with a hard thin wood stick.
width: 10 cm
length: 31 cm
height: 11 cm
article n°: | A371201 |
Brand: | Gope |
Federn: | 3 |
Finish: | painted |
Material: | steel plate |
Weight: | 0.55 kg |

GOPE is a family-run business from the area around São Paulo. Today the company is being run in its third generation by the grand daughter of the firm´s founder.
The brand GOPE has been producing drums and smallpercussion instruments for over 50 years now. When the company was founded, there was already a small workshop in which drumsets were manufactured.
In 1962, the production of the typical Samba instruments began, iniciated by Humberto Rodella, the son of the founder. The company kept growing and after several relocations in São Paulo, GOPE finally found the right place for building a large production hall in Embu Guaçu, a suburb of São Paulo.
Since then GOPE produces in Embu Guaçu everything from the Agogô to the Zabumba, a wide range of percussion instruments, and only recently also various wind instruments.
GOPE has always kept in close touch with the musicians. The ideas and proposals for modifications that they received from many of those contacts, have always had much influence in the development of new instruments and improvement of production.

1 review
2 December 2018 22:42
Der Sound des Reco Reo ist
Der Sound des Reco Reo ist super, so wie er sein soll, knackig und laut. Ich habe es auf einer Seite abgeklebt was den Sound wie zu erwarten noch trockener macht. Die Optik ist schick und stabil. Das mit dem guiro spielen auf der Rückseite funtioniert nicht wirklich, da die Rillen nicht tief genug sind und somit der sound nicht besonders "ratscht" aber ist auch nicht nötig. Obwohl das Reco durch die moderne Form ( es ist sehr schmal im Vergleich zu anderen Recos und nach unten eher dreieckig als rund) eigentlich gut in der Hand liegt, rutsch es mir beim spielen doch ab und zu ab, was an Mangel an Übung oder der glatten Oberfläche liegen kann. Trotzdem lässt es sich gut spielen und macht Spass Also ein super Produkt und absolut empfehlenswert