SambapediaGeneral information
The standard diameter of a pandeiro is 10'. Smaller 8' pandeiros are used as children's or effect instruments, while larger 12' pandeiros are used almost exclusively by the malabristas for their juggling and trick playing.
There are two kinds of pandeiros: Those with natural skins and those with synthetic skins. Natural-skinned pandeiros tend to have jingles with a quieter, more subtle sound, such as is desired in choro music. On the other hand, there are pandeiros with synthetic skins, which have a rather loud and rattling sound, as is popular with the coco or embolada. In between are the samba pandeiros with plastic skins and the contemporary but elegant sound of the jingles.
Within the two types there is a wide variety of materials for the drum's frame and shells, as well as the many possibilities offered by the different heads. Pandeiros with synthetic heads are generally heavier, as the frame is subjected to a greater load due to the higher tension of the head, and should therefore be more stable.
There are many different ways of playing the pandeiro. The playing position is often determined by the desired ratio of jingle to skin tone. If you hold the pandeiro more vertically, the jingles will react very little to the beating of your hand. If, on the other hand, you hold the pandeiro almost horizontally and support the impulse of the beat by moving the hand holding the pandeiro back and forth, you will get a precise, relatively loud sound from the jingles, similar to the hi-hat on a drum kit.
In most traditional techniques, the pandeiro is held rather still with the weak hand. Small individual movements are used to emphasise accents. In this technique, the open bass note is played exclusively with the thumb, while muted notes are always played with the flat hand. In the technique developed by Marcus Suzano, the pandeiro is turned back and forth in a continuous tilting motion, so that a continuous flow of jingles can be heard without the strong hand touching the instrument. Since in suzano the pandeiro is held by the left hand in a constant twisting motion, this technique requires that the open tone can be played either with the thumb or the middle finger, and the same applies to the muted tone, which is played with the fingertips or the whole thumb close to the middle of the skin. Only the loud slap can only be played with the flat hand in the middle of the head. Then there is the slap on the frame, which can be played either with the ball of the hand or the fingertips.
Tips and tricks
With natural fur pandeiros with smooth fur, it is sometimes difficult to play a nice roll with the fingertips. This can be remedied by rubbing a candle stub back and forth on the part of the head where you normally play the roll, and applying a thin layer of wax. This will dull the head and make it less slippery.
The tuning of the pandeiro depends very much on the musical context, i.e. the other instruments used. If there is already a TanTan or Rebolo in the group, it makes little sense to use a low tuned natural skin pandeiro in the same frequency range. A high pitched pandeiro with a white nylon or hologram skin is a much better choice. If the pandeiro is the only percussion instrument in the band, low bass tones can provide a good rhythmic foundation.
Matching heads
If you want a smooth, elegant skin sound with beautiful bass tones, a natural skin is the first choice. For an assertive sound with dry, open tones and a bright slap, choose a single-ply synthetic skin or a multi-ply hologram skin. Hologram heads are very popular these days. This is partly because of their dry sound, but also because of their aesthetics. The reflective decorative foil placed between the two transparent heads is an additional show effect.
Taping the head
With the extremely low tuning of the natural head often used today, the heavily vibrating head often causes problems when miking. This can be remedied by taping the back of the head with textile tape. It is a good idea to arrange the tape in a square, sometimes with two diagonal strips. This makes the head resonate for a shorter time and produces a nice dry bass tone. However, it is always worth experimenting with the arrangement of the tape until you find your sound.
Pandeiro heads
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Passende Felle
Möchte man einen weichen eleganten Fellklang mit schönen Basstönen, ist ein Naturfell erste Wahl. Für einen durchsetzungsfähigen Klang mit trockenen offenen Tönen und einem knalligen Slap greift man zu einem einlagigen Kunststoffell oder einem mehrlagigen Hologramfell. Heutzutage erfreuen sich die Hologramfelle großer Beliebtheit. Das liegt einerseits am trockenen Klang, zum anderen aber auch an ihrer Ästhetik. Die reflektierende ornamentierte Folie, zwischen den beiden transparenten Fellen platziert, ist ein zusätzlicher Show Effekt.
Abkleben des Felles
Bei der heute oft verwendeten extrem tiefen Stimmung des Naturfelles, bereitet das stark schwingende Fell bei der Mikrofonabnahme oft Schwierigkeiten. Abhilfe bringt das Abkleben des Felles mit einem Textilklebeband auf der Rückseite. Die Anordnung der Klebestreifen als Quadrat, manchmal mit zwei Diagonalstreifen hat sich bewährt. So schwingt das Fell kürzer nach und gibt einen schönen trockenen Basston. Es lohnt sich aber in jedem Fall mit der Anordnung des Klebebandes zu experimentieren, bis man seinen Sound gefunden hat.
Pandeiro Felle
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