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For "Ylu Brazil" the following results were found: 4 products

Xequeré Pequeno
Ylu Brazil

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Xequeré Pequeno
Hand-made smal shekeré by Afonsinho MeninoCarefully hand-braided xequeré by a small brand called Ylu Brasil, a project all about Brazilian music and percussion instruments which creates beautiful instrument creatively designed of traditional, recycled and new materials.Only well and evenly grown, nice looking gourds can become an agbé. Shekerés are especially important in Candomblé music, You may also find them in many other styles. Shekerés are timekeepers, a show effect, and musically and optically always a great enrichment! The larger the gourd is, the louder the sound will be as more surface is hit by more beads.A bottle gourd only grows in a few climate zones where it needs to be turned over carefully every single day in order to avoid pressure marks and to keep it nice and round during its months of growth. In the end, only very few of the plants are good for being proceeded into a shekeré. As soon as the gourd is hollowed, cleaned and processed, you will see the beautiful wood grain and texture on its smooth outer body.There are many different ways of playing the shekeré. You can play sounds not only by using the beads as an effect, but also e.g. by using your flat hand for countermovements from beneath the instrument producing hollow sounding and almost drum-like effects.

Reco Reco bambú
Ylu Brazil

Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars

Reco Reco bambú
Reco Reco / bamboo wood güiroTraditional, hand made wood güiro / bamboo reco reco especially popular in Capoeira. The warm sounding effect mixes well with other wood instruments like the agogo de castanha, berimbau, atabaque and pandeiro. The torpedo-shaped compact percussion instrument is also known from Latin percussion. It has small grooves which are rubbed with a hard wood stick to produce rhythmical patterns. The instruments is made of the single limbs of raw bamboo trees and has an almost completely natural finish. Its style is kept rustical on purpose by the instrument makers which is why small departures from the indicated weight and size measurements may occur:Length approx. 23-30cmDiameter approx. 5-7cmWeight approx. 230-300gYlu Brasil is a project from São Paulo all about Brazilian music and percussion instruments which creates artisan instruments creatively designed of traditional, recycled and new materials.

Caxixi small, double
Ylu Brazil

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Caxixi small, double
Doppel-Caxixi -  Handrassel oder EffektinstrumentHandgemachtes Caxixi von Ylu Brazil, vielseitiger Shaker für Begleitrhythmen, Polyrhythmen oder als Handrassel. Ein Stück Kalebasse ist das klangliche Gegenstück zur weicher klingenden Rattan.

Caxixi small
Ylu Brazil

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Caxixi small
 Caxixi - kleine Handrassel für Capoeira oder als HandeffektHandgemachtes, traditionelles Caxixi von Ylu Brazil, vielseitiger Shaker für Begleitrhythmen, Polyrhythmen oder als Handrassel. Ein Stück Kalebasse ist das klangliche Gegenstück zur weichen Schilf.
