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The Samba School -  a must-have book for sambistas, comes with a sound sample CD
book language: English

How to study Samba, teach a bateria, learn bateria instruments, know the Samba beats and their characteristics - The Samba Book has all the answers for you.
95 pages of real Samba schooling! Each instrument is explained in detail and you can finally put aside all your doubts as all your questions will be answered.
The author is Dana Monteiro, a musician and musical educator from the US with several decades of musical experience and a long list of professional degrees as well as impressing knowledge around Samba. He has a profound formation in music education and has taught in schools and universities. One of his flagship projects is Harlem Samba. Originally a classical trumpet player, his interest in Brazilian music began on a trip to Rio de Janeiro, where he was taken to the Vila Isabel Samba School by local musicians.  He immediately caught on the fire of this musical style. Many visits to Brazil followed, he made numerous study-related trips and visits to Samba schools and community music ensembles all over the world from London to Tokyo and Las Vegas to Cape Verde, all that to study local musical practices and, more importantly, the various methods for how music is taught. His dissertation is titled Samba - The Sense of Community in Participatory Music.

A marvelous book for people teaching, studying or playing Samba with a larger interest in all instruments played in Samba ensembles. You'll need to be able to read and work with notation, a sound sample CD will help understand and give you audio support alongside the book.

article n°: A872100
Brand: Contemporânea
Available as: book & CD
Inhalte: Samba Batucada / Enredo
for Instruments: percussion misc.
Weight: 0.37 kg




This brand has a long tradition and good reputation in Brazil. Intensive contact to the musicians has always been an important part of their business strategy. They not only sell instruments, but mainly live their music. Every Saturday morning, many musicians meet up in CONTEMPORÂNEA´S music shop in the historic center of São Paulo. In a special back room, musicians of every age play Choro. The pagodeiros meet up in front of the shop for playing their sessions. Many of São Paulo´s smaller and larger Samba schools play CONTEMPORÂNEA instruments.


Also in Europe CONTEMPORÂNEA is a popular brand which you sometimes even find in drum- and percussion shops that don´t have so much to do with Samba.



The instruments of the LIGHT line are made of matt aluminium. Kept in a simple design and not being polished, the LIGHT line can be offered at a lower price and without suffering quality loss in terms of sound or durability. The robust PRO line is made of polished aluminium or wood.

Compared to other brands that also use aluminium for building instruments, CONTEMPORÂNEA instruments made from aluminium stand out by being built of thicker material which provides a massive sound to repinique, caixa and surdo, but therefore also a higher weight.


4 of 4 reviews

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars







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4 reviews

19 February 2019 04:33


Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

excellent, recu comme demandé

excellent, recu comme demandé

12 January 2018 02:12

shop customer

Review with rating of 4 out of 5 stars

It seems an informative approach to

It seems an informative approach to the subject that covers Rio style samba schools in great detail.

31 December 2017 01:41

shop customer

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

I love the multi instrument approach,

I love the multi instrument approach, allows to deeply understand and practice samba rythme for a beginner like me, I hope and think I will still appreciate it in a few years...

14 December 2017 02:14


Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Das Buch ist vom Drucksatz und

Das Buch ist vom Drucksatz und der Gestaltung her sehr liebevoll und professionell gemacht, und es macht Spaß es in die Hand zu nehmen. Neben Werken wie Oscar Bolãos "Batuque e um privilego", Guilherme Gonçalve und Odilon Costas "O batuque Carioca" oder Tiago de Oliveira Pintos und Dudu Tuccis "Samba und Sambistas in Brasilien" ist das sicher eines der informativsten Veröffentlichungen zur Praxis der Samba-Schulen. Die CD ist sehr gut eingespielt, so dass man auch aus dem Ensemble die einzelnen Instrumente gut heraushören kann. Allerdings ist offenbar die Titelnummerierung etwas durcheinander geraten, und ich musste jedenfalls teilweise etwas suchen, welche Noten eigentlich zu welchem Track gehören. Für blutige Anfänger ist das Buch eventuell ohnehin nicht gedacht. Man kommt sicher besser damit zurecht, wenn man Noten lesen. Auf jeden Fall ist es eine sehr feine Sache, und ich würde es ohne Einschränkungen empfehlen.

Workshop Tour part II / 2024 Gabriel Lopes

Gabriel Lopes (Monobloco) has announced a second part of his Europe Tour in 2024 with 2 different workshops for Rio Samba bands - register now and learn from a total pro! All levels welcome, lots of input directly from Rio!

Book Launch & Workshop Tour 2023 - Gabriel Lopes

Warning - Samba highlight: learn from a samba pro from Rio: Gabriel Lopes (Monobloco) is touring Europe with 2 different workshops - register now! All levels welcome, lots of input fresh from Rio and the launch of his new Samba book!

Workshop Tour with Gabriel Lopes - Europe 2022

Ever wanted to learn from a total Samba pro from Rio? Gabriel Lopes (Monobloco) is touring Europe from April to June 2022 offering 2 different workshops. All levels are welcome, Gabriel will find plenty of fabulous Samba input to enhance your group perfor


Play the authentic breaks of Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel with your bateria and find scores and Video Links in the new book about Mestre Dudu's work. Gabriel Lopes' (Monobloco) new Bossa collection - available now!