Caixa - product guide

What are you looking for: a caixa with snare wires, a drumset snare or a caixa with strings?


Caixa with snare wires

This type of caixa is an allrounder instrument and can be played in (almost) all Brazilian grooves. Formerly it was mainly used in Rios Samba schools, nowadays it´s played in all kinds of drumming formations. Samba Reggae, Maracatu and many of the Bahian style grooves get their swing last but not least because of the dense white sound of their caixas with snare wires. This caixa - or maybe also a snare - should be the first choice for groups who feel at home in different styles of Brazilian music.

The most common size for a snare wire caixa is 14'', but also 12'' instruments are very popular. Some manufacturers offer 10'' sizes for kids.


Drumset snare

The drumset snare is louder than the Brazilian caixa. This may be an advantage if you have only one caixa playing in a larger line-up. The snare sound varies considerably depending on the its size, the material of the shell and especially the tuning of the instrument. Drumset snares are ( similar to caixa with snare wires ) real allrounders and go well with quite a lot of Brazilian drumming styles. Due to the bulkier shell and stronger tuning system this snare naturally is a bit heavier than a caixa. Make it more comfortable to wear by using a legrest e.g. as used in marching bands.

Snares are the more sophisticated relatives of the traditional caixas. With a lifting mechanism, the so called snare strainer, the contact between the snare wires and the resonance head can be interrupted. The batter head and the resonance head can be tuned seperately. With this you can tune your instrument much cleaner and more defined, though it needs quite some experience. There are so many different types of snare drums on the market, KALANGO decided just to offer a small selection of fair-priced and Samba-suitable snares.

Caixa with strings

For Batucada (Rio Samba), caixas with strings are commonly used. The function of strings is to produce short and fat sounding beats. The caixa is played on the head on which the strings are tightened onto. Batter head and resonance head are equally thick and tuned with end-to-end tuning rods. Several caixas played together sound really great!

  • 12'' x 17cm (Malacacheta / Caixa de Guerra)

This size is the most common. It fits for playing on the crook of your arm (em cima) as well as on your hip or in front of your stomach. Full sound!

  • 12''x 10cm (Tarol)

Typically this size is played in the "em cima" position. You could also play this caixa half-up underneith your armpit with a shoulder strap! A hip strap can be used if you like playing the traditional grip.Percussive sharp sound!

  • 14'' Caixa

For Batucada the 14'' caixa with snare strings is not so common. It is only characteristic for the Samba school of Imperio Serrano. In order to show off its extra full sound, this caixa is not pitched as high as a 12" caixa.


Aluminium weighs less and hardly oxidizes. The sound is more metallic.

Galvanized steelplate

The galvanized body of steelplate instruments loses its glossy surface quite soon and turns matt. The caixa´s shell is a bit heavier and you do feel it a little when playing "em cima", still many sambistas favour this caixa because of its typical, dirty and very dry sound. You will see galvanized steelplate caixas a lot in the samba schools, simply because it´s a great sounding instrument and it´s cheaper than aluminium.

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Caixa de Guerra 12''x15cm

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Caixa de Guerra 12''x15cm
Samba Reggae Compact Mini Snare for kids, young sambistas, school & music lessons, as travel instrument. Snare wires without lifting mechanism.

Caixa de Guerra 14''x10cm

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Caixa de Guerra 14''x10cm
Samba Reggae Snare 14'' x 10 cm - aluminium Narrow, light Samba Reggae snare for blocos playing Bahia styles or Maracatu. The caixa is also great for multipercussion and ensemble performances. It is played with a hip strap on 2 hooks and has a full and light sound. Well made instrument, the caixa's shell has a matt finish with chromed rims, the snare wires are traditionally fixed in one position (without lifting mechanism).

Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm

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Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm
Samba Reggae and  Maracatu snare drum 14'' x 15 cm - aluminiumThis caixa de guerra is the typical Samba Reggae snare drum which is played in Bahian blocos, but has everything a caixa needs in a Maracatu, a multi-percussion or even an ensemble gig. It is commonly played with a 2-hooked hip strap and has a strong voluminous sound. Very solid and good quality instrument, the body of the caixa is designed in brushed aluminium giving it a neat matt appearance. Both rims are chromed, the snare wires are traditionally tied and dont' have a lifting-mechanism. Saves tuning it every time and also less weight!

Tarol vazada 12''x10cm

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Tarol vazada 12''x10cm
Tarol Vazado 12'' x 17 cm - the tarol with no body! A real eyecatcher!In Rio, the latest version of this instrument is the newest blowoff and ist literally shaking up the sambaschools: The Son Duplo tarol with no body! A flat iron support frame creates the illusion of a closed corpus. The caixa has the same size as the instruments made from aluminium. The sensational sound however differs significantly. Tremendously direct and loud, without the restriction of the surrounding shell.A flash for all tarol playersThe sound can escape directly, it literally reaches you directly meaning that even if you play in a strong bateria you will be able to easily hear yourself!The tarol vazado sounds extra-dry and has due to its short body extremely little sustain!As usual with all IVSOM instruments, the tension rods are screwed down flush with the fittings in the ring. All important details such as a smoothed out rims for ideal skin fitting, string accomodation, tension hoops, threads etc. are neatly manufactured in the usual good quality IVSOM manner. Amongst others, IVSOM provides the sambaschool Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro with his instruments. Being a mechanic and a caixa player, he disposes of ideal abilities for building good quality Samba instruments.

Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm double stringed

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Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm double stringed
Double stringed 12'' x 17cm caixa by IVSOMRio style caixa players listen up:Twice as many strings for twice as much sound!This beauty has 6 strings on the batter side and 6 more strings on the inside of the resonance head.The strings on the inside of the resonance head have a muffling effect, producing a massive dry sound. The snare-sound is simply doubled!Double stringed - double sound!An aspect for fine ears: often the typical Rio-style caixas have an annoying overtone, which automatically appears when you start playing the instrument. The double stringed caixa intuitively sounds more muffled due to the strings strapped to both heads. With this, disturbing side effects have no chance. The caixa sounds super dry, just the tone we´re searching for for a Rio style bateria. By the way, this caixa even sounds great if it is not pitched too high!Obvious fact is - this is a Rio Style caixa with massive and super sound! Samba trend and design by IVSOM for XL-sound!

Furacaixa 12''x17cm

Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars

Furacaixa 12''x17cm
Furacaixa 12'' x 17cm - the caixa with resonance holes A perforated shell? A caixa with holes? After the caixa vazada (the bodyless caixa), Ivsom has developed another spectacular instrument that not only impresses with a witty look but also with a top-quality sound. Due to the perforations, the furacaixa has an open sound similar to the caixa vazada. On the one side, the holes function as amplifier, so the caixa sounds really loud, and on the other hand like a monitor, you hear yourself playing in a bateria a lot better. The rims on the caixa have a strong shell sound just like normal caixas. Another real treat for caixas players, especially for those who like to play em cima (above). The furacaixa sound has the typical Ivsom-style dry and crispy sound and extremely little sustain. Like all Ivsom instruments, the lugs are screwed flush into the brackets of the rim. All important details such as the rim on which the head sits on, the string bed, rims, threads etc. are well manufactured and easy to handle (no squeaking!). The hardware is galvanized (yellow). IVSOM, among other supplier, builds instruments for the Samba school of Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro. As a mechanic and caixa player himself, the producer has the ideal skills to build high quality Samba drums.

Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm steel sheet

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Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm steel sheet
Caixa de Guerra 12''x17 cm - galvanised steel sheet with 6 strings!A delicacy for fans of steel sheet sound!Shells made of steel sheet have more compound and less body sound, meaning that it sounds less metall-like and has less overtones than e.g. aluminium instruments. The price is a few additional gramms to carry and for sure are prettier caixas than this one. But: the sound is spectacular: crispy, dry, yummy.Special edition by IVSOM!As usual with all IVSOM instruments, the tension rods are screwed down perfectly flush with the fittings in the tension hoop. It only sticks out very little over the tension bracket on the side of the nuts. All important details such as a smoothed out rims for ideal skin fitting, string accommodation, tension rings, threads etc. are neatly manufactured in the usual good quality IVSOM manner. Amongst others, IVSOM provides the Samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro with his instruments. Being a mechanic and a caixa player, he disposes of ideal abilities for building good quality Samba instruments.

Caixa de Guerra 14''x17cm steel sheet

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Caixa de Guerra 14''x17cm steel sheet
Samba Reggae Snare 14'' galvanised steel sheet with fixed snare wires (no lifting system) - Ivsom 14'' steel sheet snare for saturated and authentic sounds in Samba Reggae and Afro Samba Blocos! Full, voluminous and present sound with typical Ivsom design and galvanised hardware. Another special feature of this brand are the tension rods, which have rolled threads at both ends, i.e. where the tension rod is normally inserted into a slot, Ivsom instruments are screwed flush into the holding bracket. No sharp-ended lugs sticking into your thighs! IVSOM from Rio de Janeiro is, besides being a musician himself, a supplier of the Samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro. As a mechanic and caixa player at Mocidade, he has the perfect skills to build good quality Samba instruments.

Tarol 12''x10cm

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Tarol 12''x10cm
Tarol 12'' - Rio Samba CaixaTypical Ivsom - cool design, perfect construction and great sound!The tarol is usually carried on a one-hook shoulder strap (half-high) and is played slightly lateral underneith the armpit, or emcima - like on the video. Often, different patterns are played on a tarol. This one has an exceptional sound, especially if you go for a high tuning. Due to its shorter shell is has less sustain than caixas with higher bodies. The yellow galvanised hardware is a typical Ivsom thing, a very stylish drum!

Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm snare wires+strings

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Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm snare wires+strings
Brand new from Rio´s special request Samba kitchen:The caixa de guerra 12'' x 17cm with strings and snare wires!Standard version with stringed batter head and snare wires on the resonance head. A really flexible instrument for Rio style baterias, especially if you only have a few caixas in your group. If you only have 1-3 caixa players, the sound is often quite thin. With a double string caixa and its snare wire feature a new sound spectrum appears, supporting the white sound effect. Experiment in different sound directions and find out which is the best 'molho' (juicyness of sound) for your group:Batter head - resonance: This combination contains more snare wire character, the caixa ís not tuned as high as standard caixas, yet more density of white sound sppears - juicy!Batter head - batter head: Try changing the resonance head for a normal nylon head. You can pitch up the caixa to the typical high Rio style level to have a dryer sound with more string than snare wires - fat sound!

Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm

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Caixa de Guerra 12''x17cm
Caixa de Guerra 12''x17 cm - aluminium - with 6 strings! Smart classical sized IVSOM caixa. Traditional Rio Samba instrument for playing  either 'em cima' (up) or down. Yellow galvanised hardware - stylish caixa with rich, dry, authentic Rio sound!As usual with all IVSOM instruments, the tension rods are screwed down perfectly flush with the fittings in the tension hoop. It only sticks out very little over the tension bracket on the side of the nuts. All important details such as a smoothed out rims for ideal skin fitting, string accomodation, tension rings, threads etc. are neatly manufactured in the usual good quality IVSOM manner.Amongst others, IVSOM provides the sambaschool Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro with his instruments. Being a mechanic and a caixa player, he disposes of ideal abilities for building good quality Samba instruments.

Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm

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Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm
Samba Reggae snare drum 14'' x 15 cm with snare wiresThis caixa is the typical Samba Reggae snare drum which is played in Bahian Blocos with powerful sound and accustical volume. Instruments by Contemporanea are generally produced with thicker material as other brands, which has an impact on the sound (massive), the weight (a few grammes more) and the price. It is commonly played with a 2-hooked hip strap and has a strong voluminous sound. Very solid and good quality instrument, the body of the caixa is all shiny and polished giving it a smart appearance. The hardware is chromed, the snare wires are traditionally tight-adjustable (without lifting mechanism).Strong voluminous sound!

Malacacheta 12''x20cm

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

Malacacheta 12''x20cm
Malacacheta 12" - caixa with strings for Rio SambaHigh-quality caixa de guerra from Contemporanea Pro, featuring a robust, thick-walled aluminum shell that delivers a rich, powerful sound with noticeably more volume compared to thinner walled models. The strings are arranged in three double strands. A key advantage: thanks to the higher shell, the Malacacheta sits securely on your thigh, allowing for comfortable playing without shifting. The result? A bold sound with plenty of volume, further enhanced by the deep shell.

Caixa Mini-Guerra 12''x15cm

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Caixa Mini-Guerra 12''x15cm
Caixa 12'' x 15 cmA short shell with a resonance head and snare wires, this snare drum is a multi-tool you can play in different styles. Due to its handy 12'' size its a unbulky companion for travels. Compact snare for Bahia styles!

Linha Estudo Multi Practise Pad 12''

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Linha Estudo Multi Practise Pad 12''
Multi Pad for Samba drums - silent practice pad with metal rimshot simulator. Practise repinique and caixa at home, use as caixa emcima, surdo, rebolo, repique de mão or even for timbal and pandeiro. Practising repinique at home with proper rimshots without driving the neighbours crazy - yes, awesome! Contemporânea has developed a silent practice pad especially for sambistas that has basically unbeatable versatility. A coated wooden frame that creates ideal rebound conditions and at the same time covers a wide range of Samba instruments. A piece of metal rim simulates rimshots. Marked sound zones remind you of hitting the correct zone on your drum. Cut-outs in the frame fit the pad perfectly in your lap over your legs and provide additional stability. You can also just pop the pad on top of the actual instrument. Or hold it in the crook of your arm like a caixa emcima or in your hand like a pandeiro. An accessory for playing at home, but also for warming up before gigs or for when you're on holiday to stay in shape. All features at a glance: Practice pad for caixa, caixa emcima, repinique, surdo and for instruments played entirely without sticks and mallets, such as timbal, repique de mão, pandeiro or rebolo. Chrome-plated metal rim section for repinique and caixa rimshots Sound zone markings to make sure you hit the right spot when practising: bass, medium and high 2 cut-outs for your legs on the bottom of the frame make it more comfortable and stable to place the pad on your lap when rehearsing. You can use the pad on your lap or on a chair, or directly on the instrument. The cut-outs also function as handle if you want to use the pad as a practice pandeiro. Lightweight at only approx. 900g Compact dimensions: 12'' diameter; 6.5 cm frame width Finish in matt black

Caixa Mini-Guerra 12''x15cm
Contemp. Light

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Caixa Mini-Guerra 12''x15cm
Caixa 12'' x 15 cmA short shell with a resonance head and snare wires, this snare drum is a multi-tool you can play in different styles. Due to its handy 12'' size its a unbulky companion for travels or a good size for younger kids. Compact snare for Bahia styles!

Malacacheta 12''x17cm
Contemp. Light

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Malacacheta 12''x17cm
Malacacheta 12'' x 17 cm Contemporanea Light A Rio style caixa in its most classical size for full and rich sound. The wide shell and strong material produce a voluminous sound and authentical Rio style. Black, coated hardware and brass nuts are part of this smart design. 3 pairs of strings provide the dry and crisp beat!The instruments of the Contemporanea LIGHT serie are all made of matt aluminium. Because they are optically kept simple and without expensive polishing techniques, they are cheaper than the PRO series instruments, their sound being just as great!

Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm
Contemp. Light

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Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm
Samba Reggae snare with fixed snare wires - Contemporanea Light Full sound and typical Samba Reggae features - the snare has a fixed wire system (not liftable), brushed aluminium shell and lacquered hardware.

Malacacheta 12''x20cm orange

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Malacacheta 12''x20cm orange
Caixa malacacheta 12‘’ x 20 cm - aluminium, strings - GopeA typical Rio-style caixa in a classic format. The shell is powder-coated and welded at the seam. A welded body has more shell content in the sound, as the shell can resonate better.The Caixa has coloured tension rings, the body is made of lightweight aluminium and sounds beautifully dry - Rio style!  Thanks to its low weight, the Caixa is also suitable for young sambistas.Colour: orangeCollection: Store

Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm black

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Caixa de Guerra 14''x15cm black
Lightweight caixa for Samba Reggae, 14'' x 15 cm - aluminium - black, GopePlay Samba Reggae like in Salvador! 14'' is the standard snare format for Samba Reggae and Afro Samba. Gope instruments generally stand out by their extremely light weight. The shell is made of aluminium sheet with a welded seam and fixed snare wires. The hardware is painted black. A welded drum body has a higher vibration behavior in its sound, because the metal can resonate easier. Gope builds its drums in lightweight construction methods which made their range very popular, especially through their ultr-light surdos. They save weight by using thinner metal sheet and a strong construction of slim-line hardware.Rich sound and light-weight!

Caixa malacacheta aluminium 12''x20cm white

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Caixa malacacheta aluminium 12''x20cm white
White Malacacheta 12'' x 20 cm - aluminium, 4 strings A typical Rio-style caixa in classic 12'' format. The shell is welded at the seam. A welded drum body has a higher vibration behavior in its sound, because the metal can resonate easier. Gope builds its drums in lightweight construction methods which made their range very popular, especially through their ultra-light surdos. They save weight by using thinner metal sheet and a strong construction of slim-line hardware. The Caixa has white rims and a white shell, the body is made of light aluminium sheet. Due to its light weight, the Caixa is also suitable for young sambistas. Rich sound and light-weight!A special feature of the strings is that they have small wire loops at both ends through which you can insert a split pin and simply hook the strings onto the strainer. No more annoying tying of the strings, simply pull them through the eyelets of the strainer and hook them into the pin at the bottom, done! Tip:If you prefer your caixa to sound dry and crisp, you can use a GP3 head as a batter head, which compensates the thin metal sheet, will filter out unwanted overtones and give you more sound power.

Malacacheta 12''x20cm green

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Malacacheta 12''x20cm green
Caixa malacacheta 12‘’ x 20 cm - aluminium, strings - GopeA typical Rio-style caixa in a classic format. The shell is powder-coated and welded at the seam. A welded body has more shell content in the sound, as the shell can resonate better.The Caixa has coloured tension rings, the body is made of lightweight aluminium and sounds beautifully dry - Rio style!  Thanks to its low weight, the Caixa is also suitable for young sambistas.Colour: greenCollection: Store

Malacacheta 12''x20cm pink

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Malacacheta 12''x20cm pink
Caixa malacacheta 12‘’ x 20 cm - aluminium, strings - GopeA typical Rio-style caixa in a classic format. The shell is powder-coated and welded at the seam. A welded body has more shell content in the sound, as the shell can resonate better.The Caixa has coloured tension rings, the body is made of lightweight aluminium and sounds beautifully dry - Rio style! Thanks to its low weight, the Caixa is also suitable for young sambistas.Special colour: pinkCollection: Store

Caixa 12''x15cm Didá red

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Caixa 12''x15cm Didá red
Caixa 12’ x 15cm aluminium with snare wires, DIDÁ - Banda Feminina from Salvador da BahiaCompact 12" caixa with lightweight components. If you dance a lot and do choreographies in your bloco, if you like to play a compact drum or if you simply don't like to carry a heavy instrument, then this is a good option! The brackets, tension ring and flat elements are all lightweight. Ideal size for kids and young sambistas in Samba Reggae Blocos or junior Maracatuzeiros.Red is the colour of the Banda Feminina Didá, a Bloco Afro for women from Salvador, which was founded in 1993. The band is surrounded by a social network that has been providing education for women and children for many years and teaches dance, singing, handicrafts and many other skills in addition to Samba Reggae rhythms. Gope has dedicated this line to the women from Didá and we are delighted to have it in our shop!

Caixa de Guerra Tarol 14''x10cm

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Caixa de Guerra Tarol 14''x10cm
Caixa for Samba Reggae, 14'' x 10 cm – Aluminium, GopeSamba Reggae like in Salvador! This caixa is a bit different from the standard ones – it has a slimmer shell, which is usually a few centimeters taller in other models. The result? Less sustain, giving you a crisp, lighter sound that fits perfectly into Samba Reggae rhythms, and the reduced weight makes it a great choice for long parades or performances.The shell is made of aluminum with a welded seam and snare wires that are permanently engaged. Unlike a standard drum kit snare, which often has a mechanism to disengage the wires for quieter moments, Samba caixas are designed with the snare wires fixed in place for a continuous resonance that defines the style. Thanks to the welded construction, the metal vibrates more freely, giving the sound a full, rich resonance.The hardware is slim but sturdy, inspired by Gope’s popular lightweight surdos, which helps keep the instrument light without sacrificing durability.If you’re after a caixa that’s easy to carry, sounds crisp, and works perfectly for Samba Reggae, this one from Gope is definitely worth a look!

Agogo Duplo reels purple

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Agogo Duplo reels purple
Agogo Duplo reels purple with stick - classic 2-bell agogo from GopeThe bells are comfortable to hold and can be muffled easily if you want to play softer tones. They can be pressed together to produce the characteristic click sound with little effort. Each bell also has 2 small muffling stickers on the inside to prevent lingering reverberation and unwanted overtones. Good-sounding agogô with a nice interval.A stick is included.Good to know:In Brazil, it is not common to tune agogos to certain tones or the same pitch; dissonance and individuality are quite normal and actually favoured. This means that each instrument can sound slightly different, even if it is the same model. 

Repinique bag 10''x30cm
Roots Percussion

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Repinique bag 10''x30cm
Roots Percussion Bag for Cuica / Repinique – Protection & Comfort on the GoThe Roots Percussion bag protects your cuica or repinique (10''/25.5 cm diameter, up to 30 cm depth) and makes transport easy. The Deluxe Series construction ensures extra-durable materials and thick foam padding for optimal protection – perfect for rehearsals, gigs, and travel.Features:Padded, adjustable strap for comfortable transportHigh-quality, heavy-duty constructionEssential foam padding protects against shocks and scratchesWater-resistant nylon keeps your instrument dry in light rainSpacious top compartment for spare heads, tuning keys, and accessoriesSide pocket for small items or personal belongingsRoots Percussion stands for high-quality bags with thoughtful design and reliable protection for world music instruments – so you can transport your cuica or repinique safely and easily.

Tamborim 06'' Frisado black

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Tamborim 06'' Frisado black
Tamborim 6'' Frisado (with grooved frame) - blackStrong, thick-walled frame for a rich sound and a lot of body in the sound. Solid professional tamborim with 6 tension hooks. 

Cuica 09''x28cm Selfie red

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Cuica 09''x28cm Selfie red
9" Cuica – great all-round size for bateria & Pagode, ready to play, Gope Selfie color line, powder-coatedThe 9" Cuica is a popular size in Brazil – an instrument that has its place as well in a bateria as in a small Pagode setting. The lightweight aluminum shell offers a well-balanced feel and clear resonance without being too heavy, while the powder-coated finish – including the tension rim – adds durability and a sleek look.The natural skin and gambito stick is already mounted and ready to play – just unpack, tune carefully, and start grooving! This cuica delivers the lively, expressive sound that makes Samba, Pagode, and many Brazilian rhythms so much more fun!Cuiqueiro*a Tip:If the skin feels hard to activate, gently sanding the embedded bamboo stick thinner while dry with fine sandpaper can help. This makes the skin respond more easily, though the stick also becomes more delicate. To sand it, loosen the skin, hold the stick’s tip with one hand, and carefully sand with the other. Using 2–3 different grits works well. Preparing spare sticks in advance makes the process easier when replacing them.

Caixa de Guerra Tarol 14''x10cm

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Caixa de Guerra Tarol 14''x10cm
Caixa for Samba Reggae, 14'' x 10 cm – Aluminium, GopeSamba Reggae like in Salvador! This caixa is a bit different from the standard ones – it has a slimmer shell, which is usually a few centimeters taller in other models. The result? Less sustain, giving you a crisp, lighter sound that fits perfectly into Samba Reggae rhythms, and the reduced weight makes it a great choice for long parades or performances.The shell is made of aluminum with a welded seam and snare wires that are permanently engaged. Unlike a standard drum kit snare, which often has a mechanism to disengage the wires for quieter moments, Samba caixas are designed with the snare wires fixed in place for a continuous resonance that defines the style. Thanks to the welded construction, the metal vibrates more freely, giving the sound a full, rich resonance.The hardware is slim but sturdy, inspired by Gope’s popular lightweight surdos, which helps keep the instrument light without sacrificing durability.If you’re after a caixa that’s easy to carry, sounds crisp, and works perfectly for Samba Reggae, this one from Gope is definitely worth a look!

Pandeiro Super Light 10'' blue

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Pandeiro Super Light 10'' blue
Pandeiro 10'' Super Light, blueUltra-light Pagode pandeiro with a 10'' diameter, featuring a transparent "cristal" head and a lacquered wooden frame for crisp, precise sounds. Professional sound meets durable hardware: a powder-coated rim and modern, bright-sounding jingles. A true power pandeiro – with an impressively lightweight frame that shines in any Samba session!Another genius lightweight from Gope, designed for top sound and comfort.

Tamborim 06'' Frisado Linha Brasil

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Tamborim 06'' Frisado Linha Brasil
Powerful, thick-walled frame in Brazil's national colours for a rich, resonant sound with plenty of shell presence. This high-quality pro-tamborim features 6 tuning hooks and a nylon skin. The grooves ensure a powerful sound while keeping the weight minimal. The Linha Brazil color line is a tribute to the 2014 World Cup held in Brazil. Gope incorporated this vibrant design into their instrument range to celebrate the spirit and culture of the event. 

Rebolo 06''x20cm Gopinho

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Rebolo 06''x20cm Gopinho
Gopinho by Gope – Samba for the Next Generation!Gopinho 6” Rebolo: Small, light and compact - this little rebolo is easy to handle and perfect for young players, delivering authentic Brazilian percussion in a kid-friendly size.Meet Gopinho, Gope’s special line of kids’ percussion instruments! Designed for young sambistas, these small-sized, fully functional drums are lightweight, great-sounding, and loads of fun.With real Samba instruments in a size that fits little hands, Gopinho makes it easy for kids to explore rhythms, develop musical skills, and experience the joy of Brazilian percussion. Whether at home, in music class, or playing with a bloco, these drums offer a fantastic introduction to the world of Samba.Start the beat early – with Gopinho, the next generation of sambistas is ready to groove. 

Agogo Duplo Selfie blue

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Agogo Duplo Selfie blue
Agogo Duplo Selfie blue with stick - classic 2-bell agogo from GopeThe bells are comfortable to hold and can be muffled easily if you want to play softer tones. They can be pressed together to produce the characteristic click sound with little effort. Each bell also has 2 small muffling stickers on the inside to prevent lingering reverberation and unwanted overtones. Good-sounding agogô with a nice interval.A stick is included.Good to know:In Brazil, it is not common to tune agogos to certain tones or the same pitch; dissonance and individuality are quite normal and actually favoured. This means that each instrument can sound slightly different, even if it is the same model.

Agogo Duplo Selfie red

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Agogo Duplo Selfie red
Agogo Duplo Selfie red with stick - classic 2-bell agogo from GopeThe bells are comfortable to hold and can be muffled easily if you want to play softer tones. They can be pressed together to produce the characteristic click sound with little effort. Each bell also has 2 small muffling stickers on the inside to prevent lingering reverberation and unwanted overtones. Good-sounding agogô with a nice interval.A stick is included.Good to know:In Brazil, it is not common to tune agogos to certain tones or the same pitch; dissonance and individuality are quite normal and actually favoured. This means that each instrument can sound slightly different, even if it is the same model. 

Agogo Duplo reels turquoise

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Agogo Duplo reels turquoise
Agogo Duplo Reels green with stick - classic 2-bell agogo from GopeThe bells are comfortable to hold and can be muffled easily if you want to play softer tones. They can be pressed together to produce the characteristic click sound with little effort. Each bell also has 2 small muffling stickers on the inside to prevent lingering reverberation and unwanted overtones. Good-sounding agogô with a nice interval.A stick is included.Good to know:In Brazil, it is not common to tune agogos to certain tones or the same pitch; dissonance and individuality are quite normal and actually favoured. This means that each instrument can sound slightly different, even if it is the same model. 

Agogo Duplo purple

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Agogo Duplo purple
Agogo Duplo purple with stick - classic 2-bell agogo from GopeThe bells are comfortable to hold and can be muffled easily if you want to play softer tones. They can be pressed together to produce the characteristic click sound with little effort. Each bell also has 2 small muffling stickers on the inside to prevent lingering reverberation and unwanted overtones. Good-sounding agogô with a nice interval.A stick is included.Good to know:In Brazil, it is not common to tune agogos to certain tones or the same pitch; dissonance and individuality are quite normal and actually favoured. This means that each instrument can sound slightly different, even if it is the same model.

Tamborim 06'' Frisado purple

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Tamborim 06'' Frisado purple
Powerful, thick-walled frame in funky lilac for a rich, resonant sound with plenty of shell presence. This high-quality pro-tamborim features 6 tuning hooks and a transparent cristal drumhead. The grooves ensure a powerful sound while keeping the weight minimal. 

Rebolo 10''x45cm black

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Rebolo 10''x45cm black
Conical rebolo with hide head in a compact 10" size - GopeA 10" rebolo is a must-have for Pagode fans who prefer a more compact size. Easy to handle with a warm, full, and authentic sound, it’s the perfect contrast to the larger tan tan or surdo in a Pagode setup. The natural hide head offers smooth resonance, soft attack, and versatile tones – though it might take a little more finesse to play than a korino head.This rebolo brings fresh energy to every session! With its vibrant style and Gope’s funky colors, it’s a proper eye-catcher. Whether you’re a seasoned Pagode pro or just starting to explore the grooves, this rebolo guarantees fun, style, and top-notch sound.

Rebolo 11''x55cm purple

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Rebolo 11''x55cm purple
Conical rebolo with hide head in the popular 11" size - GopeThis 11" rebolo is a top choice for Pagode enthusiasts. In Rio's Pagode circles, the 11" size reigns as the most popular, delivering the warm, authentic tones that define the genre whilst being compact and voluminous. The natural skin is highly favored among players for its rich sound and resonance, even though it may require a bit more refined technique compared to korino heads.Perfect for hand percussionists, this rebolo offers a fresh, vibrant style and exceptional tonal quality, we love the feel and Gope's funky, colorful designs. Whether you're a seasoned Pagode fan or exploring the groove for the first time, this rebolo ensures a superb playing experience.Elevate your sound with the drumhead trusted by Pagode players in Brazil and beyond – the ideal blend of tradition, quality, and style! 

Rebolo 11''x55cm green

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo 11''x55cm green
Conical rebolo with hide head in the popular 11" size - GopeThis 11" rebolo is a top choice for Pagode enthusiasts. In Rio's Pagode circles, the 11" size reigns as the most popular, delivering the warm, authentic tones that define the genre whilst being compact and voluminous. The natural skin is highly favored among players for its rich sound and resonance, even though it may require a bit more refined technique compared to korino heads.Perfect for hand percussionists, this rebolo offers a fresh, vibrant style and exceptional tonal quality, we love the feel and Gope's funky, colorful designs. Whether you're a seasoned Pagode fan or exploring the groove for the first time, this rebolo ensures a superb playing experience.Elevate your sound with the drumhead trusted by Pagode players in Brazil and beyond – the ideal blend of tradition, quality, and style!

Rebolo 11''x55cm reels green

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo 11''x55cm reels green
Conical rebolo with hide head in the popular 11" size - GopeThis 11" rebolo is a top choice for Pagode enthusiasts. In Rio's Pagode circles, the 11" size reigns as the most popular, delivering the warm, authentic tones that define the genre whilst being compact and voluminous. The natural skin is highly favored among players for its rich sound and resonance, even though it may require a bit more refined technique compared to korino heads.Perfect for hand percussionists, this rebolo offers a fresh, vibrant style and exceptional tonal quality, we love the feel and Gope's funky, colorful designs. Whether you're a seasoned Pagode fan or exploring the groove for the first time, this rebolo ensures a superb playing experience.Elevate your sound with the drumhead trusted by Pagode players in Brazil and beyond – the ideal blend of tradition, quality, and style!

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm blue

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm blue
Authentic Rio - conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm yellow

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm yellow
Authentic Rio - conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm green

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm green
Authentic Rio - conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm orange

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Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm orange
Tan Tan 12'' x 50cm aluminium bass drum with natural skin, orangeStylish tan tan for your Samba Pagode in orange by Timbra. Hide head for authentic, precise bass, powerful pulse for your Pagode session!

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm blue bike

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm blue bike
Authentic Rio - conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm red

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan cónico 12''x50cm red
Authentic Rio - conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 

Rebolo / Tan Tan 12''x50cm blue

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan 12''x50cm blue
Authentic Rio - slightly conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 

Rebolo / Tan Tan 12''x50cm yellow

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Rebolo / Tan Tan 12''x50cm yellow
Authentic Rio - slightly conical tan tan 12" x 50cm with natural skinThe rich bassy heartbeat is the foundation of every Samba de Mesa ensemble! A Pagode session on the beach, in a bar or on stage - a tan tan or a rebolo are an essential part of it. Compact hand surdo that can be played as a tan tan or as a rebolo. Tan tans with natural skins sound particularly beautiful and are the standard in Rio's scene. Timbra is a top brand that builds beautiful, very well-made instruments that are particularly popular for stage gigs due to their stylish appearance. Chrome-plated hardware on a lacquered shell, comfort rim and clean edges - a great, traditional instrument with a modern finish and top sound! 
