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Samba Planner 2024 Festivals & Workshops

Samba Festivals & Workshops - Your Samba Planner for 2024 / 2025*

If you know of or are organising a Samba event that is not listed here, please let us know so we can keep this event planner as complete as possible. Like this we can get the word out to the Samba community  about your event and help fill up workshops! We are happy to feature Samba events that include workshops and opportunities for sambistas to participate.

10.2.2024 WORKSHOP BLOCO SAMBANALE (D-49393 Lohne. Germany) with Carsten Mohring sambanale.com
15.-18.2.2024 FESTIVAL DE CHORO MÜNCHEN with concerts, roda de Samba, dance: luise-kultur.de/termine/choro

MARCH 2024:
23.3.2024 CARNAVAL Fête Le Printemps à Lorient, France, with Aquarela de Paris 

APRIL 2024:
19.-21.4. PANDEIRO INTENSIVO Workshop with Dudu Tucci PAC NORD Berlin (Germany) dudu-tucci.de/
26.-28.4.2024 AXE BRASIL Samba Reggae Festival in Granada (Spain) axebrasil.org

MAY 2024:
9.-12.5.2024 SAMBA COM VIDA workshop festival with international guests, concerts and mestres from Rio, for Rio Samba, Estarreja (Portugal): samba-com-vida-en
9.-12.5.2024 CONGA TOTAL with Dudu Tucci at PAC NORD Berlin (Germany) dudu-tucci.de/
17.-20.5.2024 KARNEVAL DER KULTUREN (KDK Carnival of Cultures) Berlin. Massive street carnival party with a long parage und a ton of Samba. karneval.berlin
Mai & Juni GABRIEL LOPES (MONOBLOCO) - EUROPA TOUR https://sambabeats.com.br/
May & June: GUSTAVO + GUILLERME from G.R.E.S. Acadêmicos de SALGUEIRO EUROPA TOUR, workshops after booking, booking via Sven https://www.samba-universo.de/
May & June GABRIEL LOPES (MONOBLOCO) - EUROPA TOUR https://sambabeats.com.br/

JUNE 2024:
31.5.-2.6.2024 D'LA SAMBA DANS LES ÉPINARDS (DLSDLE) - WORKSHOP FESTIVAL with concerts, workshops, shows, family-friendly (Maromme La Maine (Parc Signa), close to Rouen, France) dlasambadanslesepinards
1.6.2024 RITMOS QUE INTEGRAN - first samba percussion festival for people with intellectual disabilities, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
3.-9.6.2024 HELSINKI SAMBA CARNAVAL https://www.helsinkisambacarnaval.fi/
7.-9.6.2024 PERCUMON - WORKSHOP FESTIVAL with spotlight on Samba Reggae, guests from Salvador (Didá), workshops, shows, party. (Sagunto, Spain) https://www.percumon.com/
8.-9.6.2024 SAMBANALE - WORKSHOP-FESTIVAL (Essen/Oldenburg, Germany) sambanale.com
17.-23.6.2024 CHORO CAMP Workshop for Choro fans (Northampton, MA 01063, USA)  chorocamp.com/
23-29.6.2024 Festival Village Borrégo organised by Couleurs Brazil, cultural festival in Paris festivalvillageborrego.com
28.-29.6.2024 +K-SAMBA FESTIVAL Mallorca (Spain). Samba Reggae shows & workshops sandunguerossamba
28.-30.6.2024 INTERNATIONAL SAMBA CONGRESS EUROPE Munich, workshop encontro with dance workshops, shows, concerts, and this year also percussion workshops have been announced https://www.criadacasa.com/praiasdoisar

JULY 2024:
12.-14.7.2024 INTERNATIONAL SAMBA FESTIVAL COBURG (Germany) - groups from all over the world, concerts, shows, dance - a classic and the largest outdoor Samba festival in Europe. Come visit us at our mobile KALANGO stand! SambaFestivalCoburg

AUGUST 2024:
9.-11.8.2024 SAMBA IN HARTBERG (Austria) - workshop festival, workshops, Pagode sessions, party samba-in-hartberg.at/
23.-25.8.2024 PERCUSOUNDS Percussion Festival in Brussels (Belgium)  percusounds.be
25.-26.8.2024 NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL LONDON (UK) Caribbean festival with a huge parade and lots of Samba. nhcarnival.org/
30.8.-1.9.2024 TIMBAL INTENSIVO Timbal workshop with Dudu Tucci at PAC NORD Berlin (Germany) dudu-tucci.de/


2.-15.9.2024 FEEL BRAZIL Samba-summercamp, workshops & concerts Trommelpalast Mannheim, (Germany)
21.-22.9.2024 NIJMEGEN SAMBA FESTIVAL - workshops, concerts, party in Nijmegen (Netherlands) sambanijmegen
20.-22.9.2024 PANDEIRO INTENSIVO II with Dudu Tucci at PAC NORD Berlin (Germany) dudu-tucci.de/
21.9.2024 Bloco Mamutão Festival inviting  international sambistas and sambistas from the US and Canada, Toronto Bloco Mamutão
September & October: LEANDRO BARSOTTI (G.R.E.S. Estação Primeira de Lanus in Buenos Aires, Argentina) EUROPA TOUR. Contact: @leandrobarsotti
September: GABRIEL LOPES (MONOBLOCO) - EUROPA TOUR part II https://sambabeats.com.br/

4.-6.10.2024 CANDOMBLÉ RHYTHMS - workshop for ritual Brazilian drums and rhythms with Dudu Tucci at PAC NORD Berlin (Germany) dudu-tucci.de/

13.-17.11.2024 SAMBA FIEBER - BATERIA TOTAL a classic for whole groups or individual players and music teachers, workshop week with Dudu Tucci dudu-tucci.de/
23.11.-7.12.2024 15-DAY WORKSHOP TRIP TO RIO with JP (UK). Dates for 2025 also available online. jppercussion.com/rio-de-janeiro


6.-15.1.2024 WORKSHOP BRASIL - 10 days of percussion workshops with plenty of time for you to relax and enjoy the tropical coastline of Bahia. Cultural-musical trip to Salvador da Bahia with Dudu Tucci dudu-tucci.de/

FEBRUARY 2025:2025
from 1 February 2025 BRAZIL TRIP TO SALVADOR, percussion workshops, party, pre-carnival with Voker Conrath (Bahia Connection, Bloco Explosão Berlin), registrations open.
16.-26.2.2025 DRUMS OF BRAZIL Percussion trip to Salvador da Bahia with Mireille Linger (Netherlands), registration open drums of Brazil

MAI 2025:
3.-5.5.2025 WELSH ENCONTRO Samba Get-together in Wales with workshops, busking, showcase

8.-10.8.2025 SAMBA IN HARTBERG (Austria) - workshop festival, workshops, Pagode sessions, party samba-in-hartberg.at/

JUNE 2025
6.-8-6.2025 CURINGA 


*We are constantly updating this list for you, but we are not responsible for the content of the event pages.