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It really looks like a normal repinique. 12" standard size, shell height, hardware, heads and used materials in typical Ivsom style, nicely finished with handsome elements and the usual technical Ivsom extras. But: the repinique has caixa strings!

How does that work and above all - how does it sound?

On the side with no strings, the repinique simply sounds like a normal repinique with a distant caixa tune in the background. If you turn it around and play on the hybrid side, the repinique sounds like a slightly amplified caixa. The higher shell enlarges the volume of the resonance body, like this you have not only more volume and a bigger sound spectrum but overall more 'yumminess'.

Ivsom has not only created a gadget instrument with a special feature for Rio sambistas, but we'd go as far to say that a new instrument has been invented! If you the experimental type and also interested in the development of musical styles, or you simply enjoy discovering new tendencies, you will instantly fall in love with this glorious piece of percussion - we admit: we already have.

Well structured aluminium shell, as well as the usual Ivsom-specific technical details: the rods have threads on both sides in order to sit flush with the rim. The head base is nicely flattened, hoops, threads and generally the hardware is easy and nice to handle.
Ivsom is on of the suppliers of  Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel in Rio de Janeiro. Being a mechanic and active sambista himself, he is the perfect match as an instrument builder and has everything you need to know to make good instruments.

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