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Chocalho Caracaxá

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Chocalho Caracaxá
CaracaxáA shaker instrument from Pernambuco with a very unusual appearance! The caracaxás have a futuristic and slightly odd design, but have their traditional origin in Brazil´s Northeast. There they are an important element of the Cabocolinho instrumental equipment. Usually one caracaxá is held in each hand. You move them alternating and like this they produce pushing and captivating complementary rhythms. Even only one caracaxá played alone can be a nice feature in a wide range of music styles. Caracaxás are filled with seeds, their sound is fine but loud!


Traditional shaker instruments are typical for Brazil and can be found in very different versions all over the country. Shakers provide a fine and clear base to many music styles. Caracaxás are from the North-East of Brazil, a region which is extremely rich of rhythms and musical instruments.