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Tanajura Eléctrica with bag

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Tanajura Eléctrica with bag
Tanajura Eléctrica - the Brazilian Cajon with sound pick-up system - with bagDrumset and percussion set in one instrument!Tanajura, a rarely heard word which in Brazil is not only the name of an ant species but also the affectionate nickname for women with pronounced feminine curves. The stronly waisted tanajura looks quite like the body of a guitar and is also pretty much the same size. 2 sound bodies which meet in the middle are shaped through the waist. On the smaller part the tone sounds higher, on the larger one it sounds deeper. The tanajura is light and can be used for any style. The covers are made of solid wood giving it an especially high quality sound spectrum and a high sensitivity for vibrations. In the inside of the instrument there are snare wires attached to produce the typical snare effect. You can take the wires out, which again will provide a completely new sound scape. At the end of the instrument a reco reco a base is attached on which you can put down the tanajarua if you are not playing. The handle of the tanajura is another great feature of this instrument: you can attach other percussion instruments like a shaker or a small-sized cymbal to it. You can play the tanajura while being seated, laying it on your lap or upright stuck between your legs like a cajon. It weighs less than a kilo so principally any playing position is possible. A Brazilian original! Versatile, multifunctional, with endless possibilities, ultra light and ideal for concerts, gigs, accoustic performances, rodas de Samba, playing on the beach with friends etc.Maße:Total length: 69cmWidth of shell small side / big side: 26cm / 36,5cmWidth side parts: 13,3cm


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Xequebalde - 'shaker bucket' A shaker bucket with rivets - exciting sound elements for creative minds! Xeque- from the word xequeré and -balde from bucket in Portuguese.Once again a wonderfully peculiar instrument from Brazil. It used to be an absolute rarity, but nowadays it can be found more often in Pagode sessions and in the set-ups of leading percussionists. The idea is as simple as it is ingenious: instead of putting a bead net over a gourd, loosely moving screws or rivets are used in a simple metal ''bucket'' shell. By moving the shell back and forth, the screws hit the wall and produce a hissing, metallic sound, remotely similar to that of a xequeré, only louder and sharper. Accents can be made on the bucket with the hands. In addition, if you hold the Xequebalde horizontally with one hand from the inside, or place it upside down on a base, you can use the bottom of the bucket as a playing surface. This way the xequebalde practically functions as a rebolo and a xequerés in one instrument. The xequebalde offers a wide range of different possibilities of use and sound.

Xequebalde Mini

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Xequebalde Mini
Xequebalde Mini - 'tiny shaker bucket'A shaker bucket with rivets - exciting sound elements for creative minds! Xeque- from the word xequeré and -balde from bucket in Portuguese.Once again a wonderfully peculiar instrument from Brazil. It used to be an absolute rarity, but nowadays it can be found more often in Pagode sessions and in the set-ups of leading percussionists. The idea is as simple as it is ingenious: instead of putting a bead net over a gourd, loosely moving screws or rivets are used in a simple metal ''bucket'' shell. By moving the shell back and forth, the screws hit the wall and produce a hissing, metallic sound, remotely similar to that of a xequeré, only louder and sharper. Accents can be made on the bucket with the hands. In addition, if you hold the Xequebalde horizontally with one hand from the inside, or place it upside down on a base, you can use the bottom of the bucket as a playing surface. This way the xequebalde practically functions as a rebolo and a xequerés in one instrument. The xequebalde offers a wide range of different possibilities of use and sound.Length approx: 13cmDiameter at the open base approx. 12 cm


Percussion effects are the icing of the cake that any percussionist should be able to pull out of his magic percussion repertory box. The possibilities are basically endless, from the stage gig to the jam session, there's always room for an extra effect!