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Bag Chocalho Sticks Beaters

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Bag Chocalho Sticks Beaters
Bag for chocalhos with metal frame - stick bag for your drumsticks and surdo beatersHigh quality, well padded sturdy bag for your chocalho with metal frame, or as a stick bag for your drumsticks and mallets. Specifically designed for transport protection, against wheather conditions and for safe storage. The bag is rugged but lightweight and provides fast and convenient protection from the elements and as shock protection. Size:Length: 44 cmWidth: 22 cmHeight: 7 cm

Bag for long Rocar

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Bag for long Rocar
Special size for wood-handle rocars!Extra size made especially for rocars with wooden handles! High quality bag with plenty of padding for all chocalhos on our website with a wooden handle. Specifically designed for transport protection, against wheather conditions and for safe storage. The bag is rugged but lightweight and provides fast and convenient protection from the elements and as shock protection.size:length: 59 cmwidth: 22 cmdepth: 7 cm
