Timbal stand - adjustable height, light, handy for stage gigsEasy to handle, 2,6 kg light timbal stand with adjustable tripod. The stand is perfect for stage gigs and players who change instruments a lot in their performance. The tripod is especially designed for timbals and is equipped with all necessary features: padded support ring (nylon rope with caoutchouc sealing)Adjustable height for 70cm, 80cm and 90cm timbalscrossbar: put on one foot and play with more stability anti-slip covers on tripod feetIn Salvador da Bahia's traditional blocos, the timbal has a special position - it plays the intro, sets the pace and introduces the bloco to the piece. The bloco's showband (banda) plays mostly on stages and uses exactly this type of stand for their timbals.For 70cm timbals, the stand can be set to approx. 88-98cm playing height.For 90cm timbals, the stand can be set to approx. 103-113cm playing height.Space between the holes for altering the height: 5cmNylon rope wrapping with caoutchouc closure.Passage diameter (inner width including cord wrap): 275 mmPlease note:Depending on the surface of your timbal and last but not least also on your playing style, abrasion on the shell might occur.
Practical, sturdy timbal stand – height-adjustable, foldable – Gopespecial stand for timbals with height-adjustable tripod legs. The stand is perfect for stage gigs and players who change instruments a lot.Padded ring (synthetic felt protective wrapping)height-adjustablefoldablecrossbars so you can put a foot on for more stable playinganti-slip feetIn the traditional blocos of Salvador da Bahia, the timbal plays a prominent role: it plays the intro and also calls, sets the tempo and prepares the bloco for the next piece. The show bands of the blocos (bandas) usually perform on stages and use stands of this kind for their timbals. Dimensions:Pack size feet with ring: approx. 70cm x 20cm x 40cmInner dimensions ring: adjustable, approx. 28cm - 30cmAdjustable playing height:70cm timbals approx. from 94cm to 100cm80cm timbals approx. from 102cm to 105cm90cm timbals approx. from 108cm to 115cmThe conical shape of your timbals may vary slightly depending on the brand and size, so there may be slight differences in the height setting. As a rough guide, the typical playing height is at about belly button height.Note:Depending on the surface of your timbal and ultimately also on the playing style, the instrument's shell may develop signs of wear around the area where it touches the rim.
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