Repinique >> Rio Samba
Function in the group
The repinique is the instrument responsible for the warm-up in the form of question-and-answer breaks, for the start and for the re-entry after breaks.
In many European samba groups, only the leader plays the repinique, but it is often forgotten that the repinique also plays a very important role in the groove.
In Rio, for example, you will never see a mestre wearing a repinique and playing it. The mestre's instruments are his arms, his hands, his eyes... his gestures. The repinique player, on the other hand, stands in the middle of the bateria and plays the subidas and chamadas from there.
The technique for playing the repinique is very demanding. In this technique, the strong hand plays with a stick and the weak hand strikes the head directly with the hand. The basic rhythm of the repinique consists of three strokes with the stick, the first of which is an accent almost in the middle of the skin, and the second and third strokes are played as rimshots with a controlled rebkund. The fourth stroke with the weak hand completes a bar and the rhythm starts again from the beginning. The weak hand uses techniques similar to those used on congas, such as slap and open. In the basic rhythm of the repinique, the slap is always played just before beat 2 and therefore before the low note of the surdo de primeira.
General info
Styles / History Repinique (Rio Samba)
Originating from Candomblé - an Afro-Brazilian religion with traditional musical ceremonies brought to Brazil by slaves from Africa - repinique is played with a stick and bare hands, just like its ancestor, rum. The techniques of repinique are certainly one of the most difficult to learn for beginners, but you don't have to be a virtuoso to play repinique. For the mestres, it is much more important that the groove sounds clean and that the chamadas and calls are played cleanly and with good timing.
In Brazil, many musical traditions have their origins in Candomblé, the Afro-Brazilian religion. A set of three drums - lê, rumpi and rum - plays a central role in Candomblé rituals. The technique for playing the repinique is very similar to that of the rum - with a stick and the bare hand.
Repinique techniques are certainly one of the most difficult for beginners to learn, but you don't have to be a virtuoso to play repinique. For the mestres, it is much more important that the groove sounds clean and that the chamadas and calls are played cleanly and with good timing.
Tips and tricks
Even with the Repinique, apply a little oil to the threads from time to time to keep the nuts running smoothly and extend their service life.
Repiniques are generally tuned relatively high. The only exceptions are the so-called Repinique do Charuto (12', but up to 60cm high back) and the Repinique Mor (14' or even 16' and even higher back).
Repiniques - Sizes, voices and designation Source: Ivsom, Rio de Janeiro
- Repinique 8" = Bacurinha
- Repinique 10" = Repinique or Repique (diameter 10", bowl approx. 30cm)
- Repinique 12" = Repinique or Repique (diameter 12", bowl approx. 30cm)
- Repique 12" = Charuto (diameter 12", bowl approx. 50cm)
- Repique Charutinho (diameter 12", bowl approx. 36 cm)
- Repinique 14" = Repique Mor (diameter 14", bowl approx. 50cm)
- Repinique 16" = Repique Mor (diameter 16", bowl approx. 50cm)
The Repinique is usually played with a simple shoulder strap. For particularly heavy models, hip straps or complete system straps are often seen in Europe.
Repiniques are covered with simple plastic skins, just like the caixas.
Sticks / beaters
Repinique is traditionally played with a stick and a bare hand. The stick does not have a traditional head because without it, the so-called 'rimshot' is easier to hit. The length of the stick depends on the player's preference. Some sambistas even prefer conical sticks.
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