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Soon online: many new designs, colours and instruments fresh from Brazil - Samba Percussion, Samba guitars, producer news and new ideas - what's new this season, on which festivals can you meet us, and why is it that a wood guitar maker all the sudden builds the perfect Samba drums?

Finally some sun and maybe a summer soon.. - time for some Samba news!
Check out our spring-/summer updates for you!


  • Gope is coming up with quite a few interesting and new products in their assortment, amongst others pandeiros, rebolos, timbals, agogos and many more - online in june!
  • Rozini: For those of you who love Brazilian traditional music and for the aficionados of sting instruments - we are getting a new 7-string guitar (violão de 7 cordas) by Rozini in which we will present shortly.
  • Ivsom: New rio beater (mallets) for marcação surdos and surdo de terceira in many different colours, and finally - after having so many of you ask for - also in black! ;)
  • Rozini percussão: What does a company do, which has extremely successfully built wooden string instruments for many decades and has specialised in top-class production - exactly: they build more instruments of wood! We are very excited about the new Rozini percussion line coming soon! Rozini is an old-established and traditional luthier company who has managed to transfer its very special relation to wood to another kind of instruments - and we are really looking forward to this - soon online in our shop!
  • Kalango at festivals: let the party begin - and we'll be right in the middle of it! At the following festivals you can come and see us at our mobile stall with Samba instruments and accessories - come visit, ask us what you always wanted to know about Samba and try something new!


11./12. of june 2016 Sambanale in Badbergen, Germany
2. of july 2016 +K-Samba festival in Mallorca, Spain
8.-10. of july 2016 at the international Samba festival in Coburg
19.-21 of august, Cultura do Brasil Rietberg, Germany (planned)
22.-25. of september 2016 at the Samba Syndrom Berlin, Germany

We are looking forward to the summer season with all of you!
Your Kalango Team

Photo: courtesy of Haraldo da Cuica


Produits associés

Chocalho salgueiro

Note moyenne de 4.7 sur 5 étoiles

Chocalho salgueiro
Chocalho / Rocar Salgueiro avec barre en bois peinte à la main et 20 pairs de cymbalettes en tôle de zinc Le favorit allstar entre les chocalhos, peinte à la main au style Salgueiro, les cymbalettes classiques en tôle de zinc sonnent aussi authentiques qu'on se croit à Rio dans une répétition de bateria. Cet instrument a des poignées ergonomiques qui se tiennent parfaitement en main. Un instrument stylé avec une finition propre. En plus ce rocar a un bon poids pour faire pas mal de mouvements pour animer le public. Un vrai pro du chocalho peut intégrer des lancées, des rotations et des changements de sens les plus fous. Nous sommes émerveillés et recommandons vivement cet instrument !Les cymbalettes en tôle de zinc donnent un super son, mais les des doigts deviennent sales à cause de l'abrasion du matériel !

72,00 €*