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Extra high frame - Chris Quade Couto's signature tamborim, Contemporanea

The story behind this tam is refreshingly pragmatic:
Chris Quade Couto wanted a tamborim with an extra high frame for his large hands and also because he holds the tam with only his thumb on the outside and all other fingers on the inner frame. This holding technique has become quite popular, but if the frame is not high enough, the finger tips will touch the head from the inside. From a technical point of view, this way to hold is is a matter of taste, as you can't turn the tamborim on its own axis. You will have to compensate with your wrist. This again many players find a lot easier, as less weight is put on the pinky as if you held the tam in your spread open hand.


Typical Contemporanea: thick-walled aluminium which features a saturated, full and present sound. Thicker sheet and a higher shell produce a somewhat fuller, not necessarily louder but more open, slightly lower tone. If you want more to the sound than just the regular 'pock' of a super high pitched tam, then this instrument will be able to give you what you are looking for.
On its lower side, the tamborim edge is curved to the inside providing more holding comfort and many tamborim players actually find this shape very enjoyable. A professional instrument for Rio-style bateria freaks who play a lot.


Chris Quade Couto is a musician and multi-percussionist from Cologne, Germany and has been playing with G.R.E.S. Unidos da Tijuca in the Grupo Especial of Rio's top league Samba for many years. On the tam, he is an absolute professional and Contemporanea has dedicated this signature instrument to him.


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Tamborim 06'' Signature Chris Quade Couto

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Tamborim 06'' Signature Chris Quade Couto
Cadre extra haut, 8 crochets le tamborim signature de Chris Quade Couto par ContemporaneaLhistoire de ce tamborim est bien simple : comme Chris Quade Couto a des mains plutôt grands et il agrippe linstrument avec tous les doigts au-dedans du cadre, il lui fallait un tamborim avec un cadre plus haut que normale. Cette technique devient de plus en plus populaire comme la tension reste plutôt sur le poignet que sur le petit doigt. Linstrument est typiquement Contemporanea, de laluminium épais vous donne un son bien équilibré et volumineux, ce quest encore renforcé par le cadre plus haut. Qui cherche plus que les fréquences harmoniques et un son sec et mordant va aimer cet instrument. Une concavité légère vous donne une meilleure prise et rend linstrument plus confortable à jouer.Instrument professionnel pour les amateurs de la batucada qui aiment de jouer avec beaucoup dénergie et enthousiasme.Chris Quade Couto est musicien professionnel et multi-percussionniste de Cologne qui joue il y a quelques années aussi à lécole de samba G.R.E.S. Unidos da Tijuca dans la première division du carnaval à Rio de Janeiro. Il est un expert du tamborim et Contemporanea lui a dédié un modèle spécial. 

66,00 €*