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Treat yourself to a whole week with some great percussionists and specialists of frame drum music - this festival is a quite unique event in Europe! This year, the Frame Drum Academy is again offering a beautiful, versatile, international and highly interesting programm to which everyone with a faible for the marvellous diversity of pandeiro, Italian tamburello, darbuka, Persian daf, flamenco cajón, oriental frame drum or kanjira is very welcome! Also part of the event - the world music choir 'Connecting Voices' and a discovery course for beginners.
There are several-day workshops as well as one-day workshops for kids and families, but even the professional musician will find his place. Top class teachers and percussionists are booked for the event, get involved!


For sambistas and pandeiristas:
Matthias Haffner ( is well-known in Germany's Samba- and percussion scene. He studied in the Conservatory of Rotterdam and has dedicated his heart completely to Cuban and Brazilian percussion. He has travelled, lived and toured in Brazil for several years, he's played and studied with musical celebs like Marcos Suzano, Bernardo Aguilar, Celsinho Silva amongst others and is part of countless music projects. Matthias teaches Brazilian percussion and pandeiro in particular at the very first Choro school outside of Brazil, the EPM Holanda in Rotterdam. In his workshop he will guide you into the endless beauty of Brazilian rhythms on the pandeiro, check out his course:

Get some great inspiration on Matthias' Youtube Channel:

Freiburg in very South-West of Germany (Black Forest) is a blast in summer and ever so beautiful! We really suggest you try to combine a percussion workshop at the Tamburi Mundi with a visit to this beautiful town and its area.
Get all infos, fees, directions, workshops, details here:




Produits associés

Pandeiro Choro 10'' Luthier

Note moyenne de 4.6 sur 5 étoiles

Pandeiro Choro 10'' Luthier
Magnifique léger pandeiro un ensemble parfait de tous les composants de son ! Nouvelle version avec le cercle en aluminium ; avec cette caractéristique, le poids a été réduit de 80g pour atteindre à peine 400g. Les peaux de Pizzott ont un tannage spécifique, le résultat est un aspect plus rustique et un son fantastique ! Les peaux semblent vivantes, on peut bien voir l'artisanat dans chaque instrument. Les cymbalettes sont en laiton et fait main. Chaque paire de cymbalettes a une plaque médiane en tôle galvanisée. La combinaison extraordinaire des matériaux crée un rapport de son entre la peau et les cymbalettes équilibré et parfait ! En plus, l'instrument est très léger avec ses 480 g. On a souvent envie de l'utiliser et ainsi il devient très vite l'instrument préféré ! Le pandeiro est équipé avec un rim en matériel rond !Super bon son, des matériaux qui harmonisent et qui sonnent bien ensemble, extra léger et très joli du point vue artisanal. Le pandeiro idéal pour chorinho, samba traditionnel et la technique de Marcos Suzano !

222,99 €*