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Songbook Luiz Gonzaga - Vol 1
Musica Para Acordeom - Tributo a Luiz Gonzaga

The book is in Portuguese!
Fancy a musical journey to Brazil´s north-east?
Being a singer, accordeon player and composer, Luiz Gonzaga managed to spread the typical music styles like the Forró, the Baião, the Xaxado and the Coco from the north-east of Brazil and make them popular all over the country.
In this songbook you get 41 pieces with lyrics to sing along, notes for accordeon and lead sheets with charts for guitars.
The basic rhythms like Baião, Forró, Coco, Toada, Marcha Junina (Quadrilha), Xamego and Xaxado are explained at the beginning of the book easy and with note examples.
Also there is a nice description of Gonzagas musical llife (in portuguese) with many photos, a list of his discography and a glossary of the north-eastern slang words used in the lyrics.
A good book for a small band, if you are up for a traditional Brazilian dance night!
Réf. produit : A871417
Marque: I.Vitale
Disponible en tant que: Songbook
Inhalte: Forró & Nordost Rhythmen
pour instruments: accordéon, percussion divers
Poids : 0.6 kg

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