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Special timbal head 14" with supernylon coating and damper ring

Rich basses and powerful, lasting sound for your timbal! If this is to your taste and you already have a good playing technique, you can awaken unimagined qualities in your timbal with this type of head. Thick heads do not respond as easy as thin heads, so ideally you already bring a bit of experience in you playing technique in order to explore the whole range of sound qualities of this head. Inside, the head has a paper-like supernylon coating, which, together with the black damper ring, makes the sound rich and powerful and filters out unwanted overtones down to the last grain. The small creases that you often see at the edges of this type of head will smooth out once under tension. They occur during the pressing as a flat and 2-dimensional foil cannot be perfectly rounded on the edges without causing creases. However, as soon as the head is on your timbal and you pitch up your instrument, they'll disappear.
Note about spare parts:

We recommend that you always purchase spare parts of the same brand as your instrument to ensure fit and function. We cannot assume any warranty for different-brand combinations. If you are looking for a spare part that you cannot find on our site, please contact us!

article n°: A348214
Brand: Contemporânea
Skin Size: 14''
Skin Type: nylon single-ply
Weight: 0.14 kg




This brand has a long tradition and good reputation in Brazil. Intensive contact to the musicians has always been an important part of their business strategy. They not only sell instruments, but mainly live their music. Every Saturday morning, many musicians meet up in CONTEMPORÂNEA´S music shop in the historic center of São Paulo. In a special back room, musicians of every age play Choro. The pagodeiros meet up in front of the shop for playing their sessions. Many of São Paulo´s smaller and larger Samba schools play CONTEMPORÂNEA instruments.


Also in Europe CONTEMPORÂNEA is a popular brand which you sometimes even find in drum- and percussion shops that don´t have so much to do with Samba.



The instruments of the LIGHT line are made of matt aluminium. Kept in a simple design and not being polished, the LIGHT line can be offered at a lower price and without suffering quality loss in terms of sound or durability. The robust PRO line is made of polished aluminium or wood.

Compared to other brands that also use aluminium for building instruments, CONTEMPORÂNEA instruments made from aluminium stand out by being built of thicker material which provides a massive sound to repinique, caixa and surdo, but therefore also a higher weight.


4 of 4 reviews

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4 reviews

18 April 2018 17:31


Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Ich habe dieses Fell auf einer

Ich habe dieses Fell auf einer älteren gebraucht gekauften Timbal 14"x70 von Contemporânea aufgezogen. - Dieses Fell gibt der Alu-Timbal einen angenehmen nicht zu schrillen Klang. (Ich habe die Fellspannung mit Hilfe des DrumDial Drum Tuners auf den Wert 90 eingestellt, den ich persönlich bei Timbals am angenehmsten finde. Diese Fellspannung ist handschonend und gibt einen schönen Klang.) Mit diesen Fell ausgestattet spielt sich die Timbal vom Spielgefühl ähnlich wie eine gut gestimmte Djembe. Das Fell fühlt sich von der Haptik sehr angenehm an und nicht so kalt an wie unbeschichtete Felle. Die Schläge Ton, Slap und Bass sind mit diesen Fell sehr ausgewogen und differenziert spielbar.

11 April 2017 18:58


Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

un super son pour le timbal

un super son pour le timbal

11 February 2016 15:16


Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Ein Super Fell mit gute klang

Ein Super Fell mit gute klang

13 November 2015 12:05


Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

ein gutes Fell das sich perfekt

ein gutes Fell das sich perfekt stimmen lässt

Aluring mit Spalt - ist das normal? #SambaHacks

Immer wieder erreichen uns per Email besorgte Emails von Sambistas über den Spalt im Aluring und Falten in Fellen. "Ist die Ritze im Aluminium normal? Ein Produktionsfehler? Beeinflusst das den Sound? Ist mein Fell kaputt?" Wir können euch beruhigen, alle


Drum roll - our timbal stand is finally out! We admit - it has taken a while to design the right stand till we got everything right. But now we are happy to present you a light (2,6kg), adjustable in height, skid-proof, rustical, functional, chic black st