Pejota is an amateur musician who has been playing in Rio de Janeiro's street blocos during the carnival for many years. Since 2000, he has been making his own ganza lines similar to the shaker tubes from Brazil's northeast, where the large Maracatu shakers convince with rich sounds and accompany the blocos through the streets of Olinda. Word soon got around that Pejota built high quality shakers with good sound, and so, many of Rio's street baterias integrated Pejota's ganzas. Hundreds of customers have already found their way to music through his instruments, of which he is particularly proud.
Music is one of the most important ingredients of life. Pejota is convinced that carnival is present all year round. Music and the urge for fun and joy are universal wishes and main components of every party. He also builds his instruments according to these principles.
In order to rock the chocalho and really enjoy the sound, we not only make beautiful, but also easy-to-play musical instruments of high quality 'nota 10' (the highest mark awarded only to the best of Rio's samba schools).